4,808 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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PHYC10008 Uni. of Melbourne

Absolutely loved this subject. Topics went into a fair bit of detail, but I still found it manageabl...

3 years ago

Biol10009 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is VERY VERY poorly formatted to the way I dreaded watching lectures and participating...

3 years ago

ANHB2217 The Uni. of Western Australia

Amazing and enjoyable unit if you're passionate in the nervous system (core unit for neuroscience an...

3 years ago

PSYC1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

Really liked this unit. The lectures were usually interesting and easy to get through. There is not...

3 years ago

CITS1401 The Uni. of Western Australia

One word: impossible. As a student that prides myself in distinctions and high distinctions, I am be...

3 years ago


Easy course to get HD in and fairly enjoyable as well. Had slightly more content than HSC chemistry...

3 years ago

PSYC2012 Uni. of Sydney

The actual content is good and the lectures and tutors are excellent. However, I have never seen a u...

3 years ago

MATH1111 Uni. of Sydney

This is unit is really difficult, and speeds through content ridiculously fast. Most of the people d...

3 years ago

MUSC1982 The Uni. of Western Australia

The practical stuff is the same as MUSC1981, so that's like the best part. There's not really any le...

3 years ago

PHRM20001 Uni. of Melbourne

helpful subject. And quite fun. :)

3 years ago

NEUR30003 Uni. of Melbourne

I love neuroscience so I might be biased. But it was pretty good. Peter is knowledgeable. And Joel i...

3 years ago

POL161 Murdoch Uni.

loved the unit, very great understanding of politics

3 years ago

CITS1401 The Uni. of Western Australia

Terrible lecturer, and the project is much harder than the actual lab, if you have to do this, make...

3 years ago

65111 UTS

Basic chemistry, the lectures were poorly recorded and no amendment was made by their seemingly lazy...

3 years ago

33116 UTS

The subject as a whole is relatively confusing, most people become disinterested in the subject as d...

3 years ago

MAST30020 Uni. of Melbourne

I'm an average student (or maybe slightly above). I don't think I'm alone in saying that the previou...

3 years ago

BIOM3002 Uni. of Qld

I cannot recommend this course enough!!! If you have even the slightest interest in anatomy (even if...

3 years ago

STAT1201 Uni. of Qld

A slightly difficult course at first, but once it clicks it's quite easy. We could take the textbook...

3 years ago

PSYC1020 Uni. of Qld

5 stars due to the ease! Content was decently interesting, but not a favourite subject per se. Very...

3 years ago

BIOM2012 Uni. of Qld

A strong component of the biomedical science degree. Lots of really interesting content, however can...

3 years ago

BIOM2011 Uni. of Qld

A strong component of the biomedical science degree. Lots of really interesting content, however can...

3 years ago

BIOL2202 Uni. of Qld

I really enjoyed this course!! Went into it not expecting to enjoy it, but something about genetics...

3 years ago

BIOM2020 Uni. of Qld

LOVED THIS COURSE!!! This was easily on of the best courses I took during my undergrad! Content, tea...

3 years ago

CHEM1100 Uni. of Qld

Strong intro course to chemistry. Anyone with a background of high school chem will likely enjoy and...

3 years ago

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