652 Architecture & building subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

Latest activity on StudentVIP Architecture & building subjects:

BLDG5101 The Uni. of Western Australia

Awfully delivered. Weekly content provided is prerecorded from 7 years ago (as of 2024) and complete...

1 month ago

BLDG5001 The Uni. of Western Australia

All classes were recorded, all lecture content was prerecorded and tailored well to the assignments...

1 month ago

prop10002 Uni. of Melbourne

H1 (86). Introduction to Property was an incredibly easy and enjoyable subject as someone with a pas...

3 months ago

THTR20043 Uni. of Melbourne

good easy breadth. creative, classrooms have a good view lol. The teaching staff have an expectation...

3 months ago

ARCH10004 Uni. of Melbourne

Pretty easy theory-based subject. A tiny bit boring, but my tutor was very nice and definitely doing...

4 months ago

ABPL20033 Uni. of Melbourne

Yes, it is fast-paced and content-heavy, but it actually teaches you about construction in a tangibl...

4 months ago

ABPL20033 Uni. of Melbourne

Very fast-paced subject with an enormous content load where tutors expect you to know loads about co...

8 months ago

THTR20043 Uni. of Melbourne

Honestly, not exactly a WAM booster. I really liked the content, the quizzes were easy and I loved h...

1 year ago

GDES20001 Uni. of Melbourne

Poorly organised, didn't teach us anything to do with Graphic Design. You have two big projects: mak...

1 year ago

THTR20043 Uni. of Melbourne

Did as my Winter subject. Not terribly engaging -- content could have been taught in 1-2 days rather...

1 year ago

ARCH10004 Uni. of Melbourne

Found this subject very easy in terms of workload (1x 1 hour lecture per week, 1 x 1.5 hour tut (I d...

2 years ago

THTR20043 Uni. of Melbourne

Very interesting subject if you love analysis films, their use of colour, mise en scene etc Super e...

2 years ago


An introduction to why PLACE matters to design. Very interesting theories and a group project at the...

2 years ago

ABPL20033 Uni. of Melbourne

terrible assignments that don't improve your knowledge at all.

3 years ago

ABPL30039 Uni. of Melbourne

This has got to be the worst subject in the ABP faculty. The lectures and tutorials are all ran by o...

3 years ago

THTR20043 Uni. of Melbourne

An easy subject, everything is covered in that one week, and it's interesting content. GO TO ALL TUT...

3 years ago


Dr Wendy Miller should not be in a teaching position at QUT. It is clear she is an intelligent indiv...

3 years ago

LAWS70469 Uni. of Melbourne

I was surprised how much I enjoyed this subject. I found Wayne to be really engaging and positive. T...

3 years ago

ABPL90324 Uni. of Melbourne

Those quizzes are unrewarding af Hours of work for 1 solution and if you mess up a step you lose 1%...

3 years ago

PROP20003 Uni. of Melbourne

Really fun subject if you like construction. There is a lot of reading you'll have to do especially...

3 years ago

ABPL20036 Uni. of Melbourne

The content is super interesting and relatively easy to understand. The tutors and lecturers are sup...

3 years ago

ABPL20035 Uni. of Melbourne

This was a really interesting subject to do as breadth. Would recommend. My tutor was very interesti...

3 years ago


A subject taught by "academics" who seem to have no real world experience, that results in a course...

4 years ago

DECO1012 Uni. of Sydney

Fun and challenging

4 years ago

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