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Authors: David Bamford, Alan Leaver, Mark J. Rankin
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2 hours agoAuthors: Cane, Peter
2 hours agoAuthors: Walker, Orville
2 hours agoAuthors: Charles W. L. Hill, Gareth R. Jones, Peter Galvin, Ali Haidar
2 hours agoAuthors: Bray Waring Cooper, Mark Bray, Peter Arnold Waring, Rae Cooper
2 hours agoAuthors: Michael Morley, Patrick Gunnigle, David G. Collings
2 hours agoAuthors: Pitsis, Martin Kornberger and Tyrone
2 hours agoAuthors: Antony Selvanathan, Saroja Selvanathan, Gerald Keller, Brian Warrack
2 hours agoAuthors: Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers
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