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Authors: David Money Harris, Sarah L. Harris
2 hours agoAuthors: Mark Austin, David Chancogne
2 hours agoAuthors: Kreyszig, Erwin
2 hours agoAuthors: Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid
2 hours agoAuthors: Ferdinand Pierre Beer, Pierre Beer, Elwood Russell Johnston, William E. Clausen, Phillip J. Cornwell
2 hours agoAuthors: James Gere, Barry Goodno
2 hours agoAuthors: Moran, Michael J.
3 hours agoAuthors: Antonio Nanci, Arnold Richard Ten Cate
12 hours agoAuthors: Alfred Goodman Gilman, Louis S. Goodmand & Alfred Gilamn
1 day agoAuthors: Scott Lilienfeld, Steven Lynn, Laura Namy, Graham Jamieson, Anthony Marks, Virginia Slaughter
5 days agoAuthors: Gino Evan Dal Pont, Donald Roderick Curr Chalmers
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