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Authors: Nicholas J. Talley, Simon O'Connor
6 days agoAuthors: Nickolas James, Rachael Field, Jackson Walkden-Brown
1 week agoAuthors: Brown, LeMay, Langford, Sagatys, George
1 week agoAuthors: Ken Trotman, Elizabeth Carson, Michael Gibbins
1 month agoAuthors: R. Parrino
1 month agoAuthors: Jason R. Harris, Anil Hargovan, Michael Andrew Adams
1 month agoAuthors: Marion Festing, Allen D. Engle
1 month agoAuthors: Nickolas James, Rachael Field, Jackson Walkden-Brown
3 months agoAuthors: J. Hoggett
4 months agoAuthors: Ellie Chapple, Alex Wong, Richard Baumfield, Richard Copp, Robert Cunningham, Akshaya Kamalnath, Katherine Watson, Paul Harpur
4 months agoAuthors: Mark Findlay, Stephen Odgers, Stanley Yeo
5 months agoAuthors: Rob White, Fiona Haines, Nicole Asquith
5 months agoAuthors: Hennessey Hayes, Tim Prenzler
5 months agoAuthors: Nickolas James, Rachael Field, Jackson Walkden-Brown
5 months agoAuthors: Richard Devetak, Jim George, Sarah Percy
5 months agoAuthors: American College of Sports Medicine
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