656 Architecture & building subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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A subject taught by "academics" who seem to have no real world experience, that results in a course...

4 years ago

DECO1012 Uni. of Sydney

Fun and challenging

4 years ago

THTR20043 Uni. of Melbourne

I took this subjective as a winter intensive. While it is fast-paced, I did not feel that it was dif...

4 years ago

ABPL20035 Uni. of Melbourne

The assignments were all very interesting.

4 years ago

ABPL20035 Uni. of Melbourne

Loved this subject! Really engaging tutorials and reading material, my tutor Jessica was fantastic!...

4 years ago

16467 Torrens

A good, interesting subject.

4 years ago

ARCH20002 Uni. of Melbourne

Finally get to design a house which is awesome. Really high standards, pretentious culture, big jump...

5 years ago

BDES1023 Uni. of Sydney

honestly a pretty good subject, a decent amount of work but worth it in the end. The subject is easy...

5 years ago

ABPL20033 Uni. of Melbourne

Waste of hecs debt, don't really get anything out of it. Assignments are really hard as you are mag...

5 years ago

ABPL30041 Uni. of Melbourne

Not a well tailored course for architecture student, forced as a core subject with hurdle exam. The...

5 years ago

ABPL20030 Uni. of Melbourne

Upside of this subject was the information and the format, and the impressive feat of covering that...

5 years ago

ENVS10002 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject was incredibly broad. It didn't go into detail with many issues or topics. Though the l...

5 years ago

ABPL20035 Uni. of Melbourne

I found this subject to be engaging and well structured. The panels always had excellent, knowledgea...

5 years ago

ABPL30050 Uni. of Melbourne

Fascinating stuff but way too much content to wade through. Hope you’re a boss at writing essays as...

5 years ago

ABPL90034 Uni. of Melbourne

loved it!

5 years ago

ABPL90309 Uni. of Melbourne

My favourite subject! It gave a holistic yet detailed understanding about the flaws in the CI supply...

6 years ago

ABPL90313 Uni. of Melbourne

Such a cornerstone of the degree, imperative to gaining a solid foundation for the construction indu...

6 years ago

ABPL90274 Uni. of Melbourne

I loved the content, structure and assignments of this subject! Very applicable to real life scenari...

6 years ago

ABPL90026 Uni. of Melbourne

Such a practical subject taught really really well! Glad I did it

6 years ago

16633 UTS

challenging subject but useful

6 years ago

ABPL20036 Uni. of Melbourne


6 years ago

ENVS10002 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject does get a bit boring at times, the lectures can be especially painful. However it is a...

6 years ago

ABPL20042 Uni. of Melbourne

Major assignment a large chunk of work but doesn't collate with its small weight towards the overal...

6 years ago

ABPL30051 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is time demanding. However, the assignments are interesting. You will need to walk ar...

6 years ago

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