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MOMO TO POMO 2018 In-class Test Flashcards

Building List with Imagery to aid in the memorization of the buildings for the in-class test.

9 pages, 571 words

Building List Part 1

Name, Images, Architect, Places, Associated Movement & Ideas

12 pages, 2589 words

Building List Part 3

Name, Images, Architect, Places, Movements & Ideas

11 pages, 2125 words

Building List Part 2

Name, Images, Architect, Places, Movements & Ideas

12 pages, 2356 words

Tutorial Notes & Readings

If you're lazy to do the readings, I summarized most of them! Also includes my answers to the weekly...

39 pages, 12875 words

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes taken in point form to highlight ideas

68 pages, 20277 words

Momo to Pomo Exam Revision Notes + Timeline

Relied only on these notes for my exam revision. They contain concise and simple to read details...

22 pages, 3254 words

Buildings / Part 2

Lectures 11-23 key buildings summarised / Includes photos + details (name, architect, year etc.) / M...

79 pages, 830 words

Buildings / Part 1

Lecture 1 - 10 key buildings summarised / Includes photos + details (name, architect, year etc.) / M...

67 pages, 950 words

Building List 2018

A comprehensive compilation of the 2018 building list, with images taken from the lecture and supple...

169 pages, 1000 words


$1 per hour

Dean's Honours Master of Architecture and Construction Management from the University of Melbourne,...


Fascinating stuff but way too much content to wade through. Hope you’re a boss at writing essays as it’s the only way to do well :(

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

This unit is really interesting. There is a lot of content - concepts, movements, key dates, materials - and buildings. It's really well organised, the Unit co-ordinator even puts up practice exams and runs extra assignment and essay writing lecture sessions. All of the lecturers presented the information in an interesting way.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Highly recommend this subject - best taken after foundations and formative. Well taught and very interesting!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014