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Upside of this subject was the information and the format, and the impressive feat of covering that many centuries in one semester. Downside of this subject is that there could not be any interaction with the lecturers. Granted, they had a lot of content to get to, but as someone who asks questions I found it difficult both to get the lecturer's attention and to be given time to ask. The information was very intriguing and the assignments peaked my interest in (for example) Gothic Architecture well past the subject. I would recommend this subject for it's broad overview. You will learn a lot.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Histories of architecture of different ethnicity including Europe, East Asia, Egypt, Maya. Lectures are well presented and reading material is interesting. Assignments are also stimulating

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2010

Interesting lectures, well organised, and fairly easy exams.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

Thoroughly enjoyed this subject - very well taught and structured.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2013