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This was a really interesting subject to do as breadth. Would recommend. My tutor was very interesting with lots of experience and came from a weird meshed background of sociology and urban planning, so was very knowledgeable. There are lots of readings, but most of them were pretty good. My only criticism is that the lectures were barely relevant.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

The assignments were all very interesting.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Loved this subject! Really engaging tutorials and reading material, my tutor Jessica was fantastic! The assignments were slightly different because we weren't able to complete fieldword but still really interesting and relevant. The only negative I found was the lectures, the assignments are focussed specifically on local councils and I found a lot of the lecture content became irrelevant after the first few weeks, I stopped watching them half way through the semester and scored a H1.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

I found this subject to be engaging and well structured. The panels always had excellent, knowledgeable guests who knew their field from a variety of perspectives and professions. The assessments were well structured and the requirements were clear. I really enjoyed interacting with the lecturer and tutors, class discussions were relevant and the tutors knew their field and the subject well. CLG was one of my favourite subjects during my Bachelors and I would highly recommend it.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Fun subject with positive teaching staff. The lectures always had a guest panel which allowed for interesting concepts, topics and opinions to be shared. Assignments based around social justice issues in a particular municipality of Melbourne. Two field trips involved people counting and random interviews of citizens. Assignments were straight forward but required research and analytical thinking to make them worthwhile. Involvement with the municipality council makes the subject feel relevant. Subject is naturally very politically left winged, which causes it to stray away from the issue at hand at times.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Good subject overall. The lectures were interesting, I liked how there was a series of panels who came in to talk about their areas of expertise. Reading were okay. However, the assignments weren't as good. Overall, the assignments were good in regards to having to go out onto the field to get data etc. but the ways in which the tutors mark is really unfair as it is very hard to get a decent mark, even though I did really well in similar subjects.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Lectures were suburb. It was a very organised subject. Guest lectures (people who work in the planning & designing industry) came almost every week. However, there were no lecture recordings. Assignments were challenging but very relevant as they get students to go out and 'have a taste' of what it's like to be a planner. Tutors were a bit harsh at marking (very hard to get a H1) but getting good scores is achievable. Overall, the best subject I have done so far in environments!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014