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H1 (86). Introduction to Property was an incredibly easy and enjoyable subject as someone with a passion and interest in real estate and the property industry. The assignments are each reports with clearly defined rubrics and criteria to follow. The first assignment has you assess and analyse a notable corridor in Melbourne's CBD, observing the different property types and nature of developments along the strip. I could've scored a little higher if I followed more closely on the first assignment (like making an actual transect of the corridor). The second assignment involves selecting two buildings along the strip, discerning their characteristics based on zoning and overlays, and determining the highest and best use for those sites given this information. The final assignment involves attending an auction in your local area, and comparing the auction result to your estimated selling price prior to the auction based on comparable properties and thorough analysis of improvements that have been made to the land and on the land (building, fencing etc). I never once attended or watched lectures and only occasionally skimmed ppt slides. Tutorials were valuable for clarification on assignment information but attendance can be avoided there too if you'd like. Apparently this subject's assignments were converted from group to individual and I certainly believe that was a great move. Give yourself at least a week's leeway to physically walk through your chosen corridor and to attend the auction in assignment 1 and 3 respectively. I'd recommend this to anyone with a vague interest in property, this subject can be considered a WAM booster for ppl that fit into this category; otherwise it's a really comfortable introduction into the property industry for aspiring property majors :)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024