7,519 Business subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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FINM2401 Uni. of Qld

This subjected ignited my passion for finance. Although challenging to get your head around the init...

3 years ago

BLAW10001 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is pretty well known for being an easy subject with the assessments consisting entirely...

3 years ago

WORK2203 Uni. of Sydney

My tutor, Daniel Dinale, was incredible. His knowledge of industrial relations policy and how it was...

3 years ago

AFIN2070 Macquarie

Subject was interesting but the lecturer is near impossible to understand. Highly recommend watching...

3 years ago

STAT2170 Macquarie

Big jump in terms of difficulty from STAT1250. Covers ANOVA and regression in-depth, and if you are...

3 years ago

ACST2001 Macquarie

Quite an easy unit if you are good at TVM mathematics! Lectures are question-solving based rather th...

3 years ago

MAST20004 Uni. of Melbourne

Fantastic subject! Xi is an incredible lecturer, Tim Banova is a wonderful tutor and the subject is...

3 years ago

ECON1120 The Uni. of Western Australia

I took this unit because it seemed interesting. Coming from a non economics/environmental science ma...

3 years ago

BLAW10001 Uni. of Melbourne

If you've done Legal Studies in VCE this subject is a pretty easy H1 if you're prepared to put in a...

3 years ago

ACCT30001 Uni. of Melbourne

Content wise, this subject is more interesting than EPM. But the group assignment was marked harshly...

3 years ago

FNCE30001 Uni. of Melbourne

Content was much more manageable and easier compared to Derivatives Securities. You will love it you...

3 years ago

MUSI20150 Uni. of Melbourne

Content was easy but a bit dry. The most important part is the final essay, I would recommend to sta...

3 years ago

FNCE30007 Uni. of Melbourne

Definitely the most challenging Finance subject in the course for me. But Federico is good lecturer,...

3 years ago

ACCT30004 Uni. of Melbourne

It was quite hard at first if you haven't studied auditing before. But towards the end and final exa...

3 years ago

ACCT30002 Uni. of Melbourne

The theory is easy but the hard part is to relate the theory to actual case studies. Lecture slides...

3 years ago

FNCE30011 Uni. of Melbourne

Very interesting subject. Lecture content is neat and complete. The workload is definitely manageabl...

3 years ago

EDUC20068 Uni. of Melbourne

DO THIS SUBJECT AT YOUR OWN PERIL! This subject is often recommended to unwitting students with t...

3 years ago

MUSI20150 Uni. of Melbourne

Yeah easy subject, easy H1. I'd say this is like watching a Youtube series considering it's pretty m...

3 years ago

PSYC30021 Uni. of Melbourne

As the capstone subject for psychology, this was very enjoyable. Lectures may not be as ‘themed’ as...

3 years ago

MUSI20150 Uni. of Melbourne

Content was interesting and lecturers were passionate. However, assessments were poorly explained an...

3 years ago

ACCT10002 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject requires lots of practice (tutorial questions, textbook questions and practice exams) b...

3 years ago

BLAW10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Was ok but I found the lecturer really so so boring and honestly no offence but annoying. She just r...

3 years ago

PSYC30021 Uni. of Melbourne

Actually, your perspective whether this subject is enjoyable or not really depends on the research t...

3 years ago

CHIN10006 Uni. of Melbourne

A great subject for breadth. Tracey and Ruonan were awesome and the assessment was very doable (alth...

3 years ago

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