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- Business
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Unit has really gone down in 2022.
Poor teaching during lectures, poor coordination between staff
2 years ago
It was a challenging subject especially if you have never done business before
2 years ago
Utterly useless class. Fails to teach you anything except for how to format a media release and writ...
3 years ago
A subject that's easy to do well in and understand the content of, typically split into 6 weeks of m...
3 years ago
Easy to do well if you just simply put in the time. An introductory subject that covers basic econ....
4 years ago
Lecturers are shit, content flies by with little to no communication. The Blackboard site is barebon...
4 years ago
Solid introduction to financial analysis
4 years ago
Great subject to understand the basics of financial markets worldwide
4 years ago
A good baseline subject for understanding business worldwide
4 years ago
The tutorials were extremely helpful & it’s continual learning & testing approach through quizzes en...
4 years ago
A great insight into the world of marketing.
4 years ago
A great insight into the world of marketing.
4 years ago
A great subject, which can be tricky at times to get your head around, which is why a tutor is so he...
4 years ago
I thoroughly enjoyed this unit. This subject is a great introduction to marketing theories and is be...
4 years ago
Nice and easy introductory unit for statistics and econometrics. Exam, assignment and take home asse...
5 years ago
Introductory unit for investment finance. The content taught was very engaging.
5 years ago
This subject aims to get you ready to do graduate level roles with in depth topics on financial conc...
5 years ago
A standard introduction to finance subject that covers debt, equity, corporate finance and simple fi...
5 years ago
A very theory based subject that is interlinked with EFB210. Discusses more in depth with research a...
5 years ago
An intro subject that covers micro and macro economic fundamentals. The first 6 weeks on microeconom...
5 years ago
I didn't like this subject overall. All the concepts learned were pretty basic and intuitive which m...
5 years ago
Overall the subject was pretty interesting and taught important concepts about business. The tutoria...
5 years ago
Highlight of the subjects are the lectures, probably the most engaging ones i experienced first year...
5 years ago
Good starting point on the basic theories of doing business internationally. Provided me with the mo...
5 years ago
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