- Uni. of Tasmania
- Subjects
- Business
- 326 UTAS Business textbooks
- 60 UTAS Business tutors
- 85 UTAS Business ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Business subjects at Uni. of Tasmania...
Great unit with lots of resources available to you to help get through the content.
7 years ago
The unit teaches the basic mathematical skills required in undergraduate economics and finance. It h...
7 years ago
The primary emphasis is on understanding the statistical concepts and methods widely used in these d...
7 years ago
A 2nd year unit that requires knowledge from previous units and also provides new concepts and defin...
7 years ago
An intense unit that requires focus from students. Students needs to follow the requirement of the l...
7 years ago
An easy unit with a nice lecturer. However, the assignments are very difficult and requires lots of...
7 years ago
Difficult unit with many readings and research required.
7 years ago
Good unit quite interesting and valuable experience.
9 years ago
BFA391 is really useful unit. It's not really hard and boring like most people say. You just need to...
10 years ago
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