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- Business
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Latest activity on Business subjects at VU...
This unit... I recommend my fellow students to get some supplementary materials to be ready for the...
7 years ago
This unit was a very difficult unit to study. The final exam covers broad chapters to study. This Un...
7 years ago
a practical unit to study.
7 years ago
The notes that I downloaded from Jess got me HD, by doing nothing for the whole semester!
7 years ago
Going to the lecture will help you a lot!
7 years ago
Super interesting!
7 years ago
worst subject
8 years ago
Exam usually isn't a hurdle which is nice.
8 years ago
Each tute consists of listening/watching a video of the information within the textbook then answeri...
8 years ago
This subject helps you to know how to make a decision in market.
8 years ago
Do the tutorial questions and practice IRAC method for solving the question.
9 years ago
Pretty boring stuff but makes a fair bit of sense. If your tutor plays the lectures in class instead...
9 years ago
To succeed in this subject, practice is key. Try answering some textbook and resource manual exercis...
10 years ago
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