4,808 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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PHYC10008 Uni. of Melbourne

Amazing subject! The content is really fascinating. Tutorials were good too. My lab demonstrator was...

4 years ago

PHIL1002 The Uni. of Western Australia

Was a little dry but a good foundation unit for studying philosophy/developing critical thinking ski...

4 years ago

CITS1401 The Uni. of Western Australia

Decent unit, can be a little tricky if it's your first time programming

4 years ago

cits3004 The Uni. of Western Australia

Very well run unit.

4 years ago

PSY101 Murdoch Uni.

This unit introduces all theoretical and basic background on social psychology. Cross-cultural persp...

4 years ago

PSY141 Murdoch Uni.

The unit builds the foundation on the theories and perspective you will need later on as you progres...

4 years ago

BIOL1210 Macquarie

A really interesting and fun unit, but TONNES of content. Michael the lecturer is great, good conten...

4 years ago

PSYC104 Macquarie

I HATED this subject. dreaded every class. my tutor had a foreign accent and spoke really quietly. C...

4 years ago

CHEM1002 The Uni. of Western Australia

I found the unit interesting, but the workload and stress throughout it were quite high. As long as...

4 years ago

ANHB1102 The Uni. of Western Australia

Though I didn't find it as fun as ANHB1101, it is still a great unit! 40% is easy to obtain, the las...

4 years ago

CHEM1200 Uni. of Qld

I found the course quite similar to CHEM1100, but obviously a step higher. The second half of the co...

4 years ago

PSYC1020 Uni. of Qld

This was such an interesting subject to study, even for someone who isn't studying psychology as a d...

4 years ago

SCIE1000 Uni. of Qld

A very unique subject to the other courses I've done. The content and python coding is a lot easier...

4 years ago

CHEM1100 Uni. of Qld

I was very happy that the first module was not covered in the final exam as I found this module the...

4 years ago

STAT1201 Uni. of Qld

I found the content slightly hard to learn with the way it was delivered (online Edge module). I fou...

4 years ago

BIOL1020 Uni. of Qld

A really good fundamental biology course, it teaches all the basics that are used in further studies...

4 years ago

PHAR1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

One of my favourite units! The topics covered are usually really interesting, and for the one or two...

4 years ago

PHIL10002 Uni. of Melbourne

This is a great foundational subject for those considering Philosophy as a major. It's also great as...

4 years ago

PHRM20001 Uni. of Melbourne

Really enjoyed this subject because the content was highly applicable and interesting! They explaine...

4 years ago

BCMB20002 Uni. of Melbourne

Interesting content and the lecturers were highly knowledgeable, however you need to keep up with th...

4 years ago

PATH20001 Uni. of Melbourne

Really enjoyed this subject and the lecturer provided good slides with most of the information requ...

4 years ago

GEOS1100 Uni. of Qld

I enjoyed most of this subject a lot, the weather part confused me but learning about milankovitch c...

4 years ago

STAT7604 Uni. of Qld

This was a very nice lec. understood each and every bit of it. I can perfectly tutor current student...

4 years ago

MATH1061 Uni. of Qld

great, subject

4 years ago

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