4,808 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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BCMB30001 Uni. of Melbourne

I really enjoyed this subject. I liked how the content/techniques linked together nicely, and learni...

1 year ago

BCMB30004 Uni. of Melbourne

A relatively interesting but challenging subject. Learning about pain and autophagy/cell death was r...

1 year ago

BCMB40002 Uni. of Melbourne

I did this subject under the old structure (when it was a 25-point subject) but to be fair I felt I...

1 year ago

BIOL10008 Uni. of Melbourne

Worst subject i've done and will ever do

1 year ago

BCMB40002 Uni. of Melbourne

Have honestly nothing good to say about this. All I can say is, if you want to do honours in biochem...

1 year ago

BIOM40001 Uni. of Melbourne

This should not be an honours subject...why do they wait until honours to teach us what SEM means or...

1 year ago

BIOM40001 Uni. of Melbourne


1 year ago

BIOL1110 Macquarie

This subject was really a drag. The lectures were dull which often made it hard to focus. The pracs...

1 year ago

Math2400 Uni. of Qld

It was a hard course for me as someone who hasn't study previously or really been interested in the...

1 year ago

MAST10006 Uni. of Melbourne

A good subject! The professor who runs the subject is great and explains things really well. I found...

1 year ago

PSYC10004 Uni. of Melbourne

I found it to be quite surface-level knowledge that many people with a vague interest or familiarity...

1 year ago

MATH1000 Macquarie

Not too bad. The tutors are great and good at explaining things. The online quizzes are not hard at...

1 year ago

BIOL10008 Uni. of Melbourne

Absolutely terrible subject. I’ve never met more useless subject coordinators. Only do this subject...

1 year ago

MATH1014 Uni. of Sydney

Overall, good and easy subject, especially if you took 2u Adv maths in high school. If you keep up w...

1 year ago

MUSI20149 Uni. of Melbourne

Not sure what the other review for this semester was about TT Quizzes were super easy to get 4/4 (th...

1 year ago

MUSC1981 The Uni. of Western Australia

Did this unit during the summer (January 2023). It's fairly straight forward. It is ran over about t...

1 year ago

BIOL1210 Macquarie

My favorite unit so far (second year student here). I regret not attending the lectures in person mo...

1 year ago

CHEM3121 Uni. of Sydney

Confusing and vague.

1 year ago

MUSI20149 Uni. of Melbourne

0/5, subject is extremely boring. Took it cause it was a wam booster, quizzes aren’t straightforwar...

1 year ago

CLAN1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

Unit content was interesting, and i would have enjoyed the course if not for the lecturer and my tut...

1 year ago

MIIM20002 Uni. of Melbourne

Really good! I took it as a a breadth and I would easily recommend! Topics were explained very well...

1 year ago

PHYS30012 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject was good, albeit kind of boring. The lectures are organised in a way where sometimes th...

1 year ago

PHYS20008 Uni. of Melbourne

charles is what you want and expect the best from a university professor/coordinator. he wants you t...

1 year ago

IMM2011 Monash Uni.

Absolutely loved the content taught and how lectures were organised in the unit, however the labs we...

1 year ago

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