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Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

Nazim needs to stop thinking hes a motivational speaker and actually teach us the lecture content. He often talks about stuff that is completely irrelevant to the course structure, talking about his life and other useless information. He tries to motivate us by showing us youtube videos of stuff he finds interesting or by going on these long talks but is just pointless. Tell him to switch to lecturing philosophy, not a coding unit. There were times where I couldn't make the in-person lecture, and I know for a fact that he helps and talks about assessments and exam questions before or after the lecture recordings start recording or when they finish, so the students that come to the in-person lectures have a major advantage over those who watch them online. Completely unfair in my opinion. He provides no guidance into how to do assessments and just expects us to know how to do things. His in-person lectures are just him asking us questions to things he has barely taught us, and gets annoyed when the class is dead silent not knowing the answers.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

The lectures for this unit were informative and did a great job at explaining statistical concepts week by week. You begin by reviewing linear regression / multiple linear regression in STAT2401 (basically the entirety of STAT2401 is covered in the first 3 weeks) before learning about various models such as logistic regression, Poisson, quasi-Poisson, negative binomial, zero-inflated Poisson, and zero-inflated negative binomial. I did not do any of the labs as I found the lectures were sufficient in understanding the statistical concepts. The assignments were pretty straightforward. You get given a dataset and need to use the models you have learnt to find a relationship between a response variable and various predictors. It was useful in improving my literature review and report writing skills. However, the marking of the assignments was a bit confusing. We were only told the number of marks allocated to each section, but not what to include in each section to get the marks. For example, in the Results section, worth 20 marks, 7 marks were allocated to running a summary command on the database and listing out the variable names, descriptions, mins/maxes/means/medians/standard deviations. I get this is to encourage students to be independent and improve their report presentation skills, but it's a bit harsh not to mention any specific mark allocations. The final exam is basically the assignments on steroids. You are to analyse a dataset but must use all applicable models you have learnt, apply them to the dataset, and compare and select the best model. It is a take home exam. Mine ended up being 20 pages long (8 pages of journal plus 12 pages of R code/appendicies). It took a long time but was quite a rewarding experience. Overall this unit really helped my understanding of statistical analysis and sets you up for future units very well. Nazim is a great lecturer but I have heard his emails are quite passive aggressive.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

Lecturer reads notes rather than explaining, large sections of this unit are based on assumed knowledge. His passive aggressive tone in emails also doesn't help. The tutors were near useless, instead of assisting the whole class giving out information/showing the solved problems, they would only answer individual questions which often lead to many students having to wait 30 minutes to get a simple question answered in class. However, in saying that I did learn a lot from this unit but it did require a significant amount of self learning.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

I appreciated the opportunity to improve my researching, statistical analysis and report writing skills. The lab demonstrators were very helpful. Lectures and notes were very useful and it helped that the assignment and report questions were graded within the scope of what was taught. (it's very easy to get carried away with complicated, unnecessary analysis in R, especially at year 2 level. The feedback provided gently steered me back to the focus topics, whenever I sidetracked).

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

I enjoyed this unit as the exam was a take home assignment and provided opportunity to improve our research and statistics skills using R.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

Just a pretty average unit. It felt like I was assuming lots. Lab solutions were given, but always seemed to be steps skipped and explanations not given. Nazim gave good examples on the lecture slides, but these always turned out to just be very basic examples. I felt like I gained alot of vague knowledge, but not alot of usable knowledge. As said, do the weekly labs properly as they are easy and weighted high.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

Too much content. This unit will take up alot of your time. Weighting is nice as the quizzes are worth 36% and it's easy to get alot on them. Nazim is nice in class but his emails are the most annoying thing on Earth. His passive aggressive tone makes you feel like strangling him through the screen. Don't do this unit unless you have to, it is not easy.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

Poorly taught unit, lecturer thinks hes some sort of motivational speaker

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

I had a mental breakdown last week and went to visit the school counsellor and they gave me your email address as my issue is more appropriate to discuss with the faculty or department. I can say that when it comes to unit content, it was okay as it covered all necessary topics to learn the unit. However, there were quite several reasons why I can say that the overall unit delivery was a poor experience. I have listed them below to summarize: - the video recording had a poor vocal quality (we pay so much yet the teacher cannot afford a high quality audio and video set) - teacher reads notes rather than explaining topics in a very simple way - did not give as many comprehensible examples about a topic for us to refer when we do self study - assessments were just too difficult to catch up (we only had 2 assignments but for my level of catching up with the topics, I did not really understand what he was talking about) - considering I am still learning R, re-learning math and stat theories and most of all apply those theories in an actual real scenario - considering this is a level 2 unit, but I felt like it was level 7 (why am I getting Ds or HDs on level 4/5 assessments and fail on this)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020