7,522 Business subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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interesting subject but the course miss a structure and the midterm exam is unexpected

6 years ago

Bba102 Macquarie

Quite theoretical, however the case studies make this unit interesting.

6 years ago

ACCG1000 Macquarie

This is one of those subjects where nothing makes sense for the most part of the session, and then y...

6 years ago

MKTG101 Macquarie

I really enjoy marketing as a subject so thought this was a great unit overall. Not a huge fan of th...

6 years ago

STAT150 Macquarie

Generally a good foundation unit for statistics. Keeping up to date with lectures is essential as th...

6 years ago

ECON111 Macquarie

If you get a chance to take this unit - do it. Well run and the convenor/lecturer makes normally bor...

6 years ago

22320 UTS

It used to be much more difficult, now if you pay attention each week and get your head around conce...

6 years ago

1303AFE Griffith

Hint: Workshop/PASS worksheets will help you prepare for exam

6 years ago

1003MKT Griffith

Show up, do the work, easy 7 subject. Hint: Assignment exemplars big help

6 years ago

STAT150 Macquarie

Great subject however practicals were useless and a waste of time

6 years ago

MGC1010 Monash Uni.

A very dry subject that involves putting labels on concepts that should be common sense. A lot of me...

6 years ago

Etc1000 Monash Uni.

Brett Inder is a great lecturer

6 years ago


Pretty gross for a first year economics course. Would rather have actual tutorial questions that hel...

6 years ago

ECON1010 Uni. of Qld

Loved the lecturer's accent

6 years ago

ACG11 Uni. of South Australia

A lot of information for a beginner in a short time. DO not miss the virtual tutorials. DO all the e...

6 years ago

FNCE30001 Uni. of Melbourne

Loved this subject. Very technical but well explained by lecturer Gil Aharoni.

6 years ago

ECOM30001 Uni. of Melbourne

Dry subject material, just an extension of QM2. Andrew Clarke is a great lecturer and explains every...

6 years ago

FNCE30007 Uni. of Melbourne

Interesting subject, great lecturer. Don't be scared of this subject! Best of the Finance major.

6 years ago

ECOS2002 Uni. of Sydney

Easy subject. Follows on from 1002 quite well. Practice doing essay type responses emphasising quali...

6 years ago


Difficult. Focus on getting good marks in your internals as they are easy compared to the final.

6 years ago

MGMT2341 The Uni. of Western Australia

lots of content that differs from the assigned textbook. Lecture slides dont make sense unless you a...

6 years ago

22207 UTS

In order to get ahead in this subject, students should ensure they do the homework, extension questi...

6 years ago

25503 UTS

A very interesting subject which looks at the mathematics behind a lot of investment analysis formul...

6 years ago

1004GIR Griffith

Good subject. Learnt quite a bit about governments and politics, however, this subject was not prese...

6 years ago

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