7,519 Business subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MKTG1203 The Uni. of Western Australia

Very easy to get a HD as long as you stay on top of things by watching the lectures and reading the...

4 years ago

ECON1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

Very easy to get a D or HD, especially if you did year 11 economics. It repeats the basic concepts o...

4 years ago

MAF308 Deakin Uni.

Good unit and helpful tutors!

4 years ago

ACCT1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit was informative but also an easy unit to get a good mark. If you kept up with the work eac...

4 years ago


Sincerely I find anything related to law to be very simple, I did not need help of anyone to pass th...

4 years ago

MKTG1203 The Uni. of Western Australia

Hands down the best broadening unit I've done, the content of the unit is honestly not hard. It's de...

4 years ago

ECON1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit is only an easy HD if you did Year 11 Economics as most of the concepts of Microeconomics...

4 years ago

Fina1221 The Uni. of Western Australia

I found this unit rather difficult as the quizzes, although have unlimited attempts, they take quite...

4 years ago

ECON2041 Macquarie

Not a difficult unit. A very interesting one. Calculus is not needed but some maths are required (e....

4 years ago

ENGL1201 The Uni. of Newcastle

Unlike the previous comment, my lecturer was a female professor that does not work there anymore. Sh...

4 years ago

MIS171 Deakin Uni.

Easy subject. Just need to follow lecture and tutorial to get a HD

4 years ago

BLAW10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Not an easy 'H1' breadth, you truly need to understand the content and put in the effort if you want...

4 years ago

ECON10005 Uni. of Melbourne

very helpful lecturers and tutors - the discussion board was amazing!

4 years ago

ECON10004 Uni. of Melbourne

very helpful lecturers and tutors, lots of past papers provided!

4 years ago

ACCT10001 Uni. of Melbourne

found the exam challenging comparative to the work provided in class

4 years ago

AFIN2070 Macquarie

Very hard to understand at first, but the models that they teach you are very very interesting once...

4 years ago

AFIN2050 Macquarie

Basically Finance 1b part 2. A Classic Finance unit

4 years ago

AFIN1002 Macquarie

Very heavy unit! A lot of content to remember, honestly a tough one and a big jump from Finance 1A....

4 years ago

BLAW10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Great subject! Very interesting content, and knowledge can be applied to real world situations. Not...

4 years ago

ACCG1000 Macquarie

Honestly a great unit, very easy to understand, and introduces a lot of core accounting concepts tha...

4 years ago

ACST1001 Macquarie

Very mathematically orientated! But really all you need to understand is the concept of time value o...

4 years ago

STAT1520 The Uni. of Western Australia

Best elective unit I've ever done. Anyone from any major can take it as long as you like math and st...

4 years ago

BLAW10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Content was interesting overall, but the final exam was difficult and it made my WAM dropped

4 years ago

BLAW30003 Uni. of Melbourne

A highly practical and interesting subject. The tutorials are extremely helpful in consolidating the...

4 years ago

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