4,808 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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PSY1011 Monash Uni.

Interesting content and overall unit limited by pitiful study resources (correct past quiz answers a...

4 years ago

PHY3181 Monash Uni.

Amazing unit with lots of interesting topics on reproduction! The assessments were clear and not ver...

4 years ago

ANHB1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

Great unit, awesome unit coordinators. Thomas Lea is a great tutor. You can get 100% for 40% of the...

4 years ago

SCOM1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

Great unit. Patrick is a fantastic lecturer. The report writing, presentation skills and computer ap...

4 years ago

300833 WSU

Great science subject. Was a reasonable work load and easy to get good marks in. Interesting content...

4 years ago

300845 WSU

Hated this unit. The content is fine but Adrian Renshaw is a lazy teacher. He reads off the slides a...

4 years ago

300936 WSU

A very difficult unit but if you put in the work it's well worth it. I felt like I learned so much a...

4 years ago


Absolutely loved this course, super interesting and if you engage with the lectures, its easy to sta...

4 years ago

PHA2022 Monash Uni.

A great unit that introduces new fundamental concepts of pharmacology! There is so much to learn, in...

4 years ago

PATH2210 The Uni. of Western Australia

Very content heavy (3x 1h lectures per week) but assessments are quite easy during the semester and...

4 years ago

ANHB2212 The Uni. of Western Australia

I loved this unit and ended up doing really well! It is quite content heavy but it sets you up reall...

4 years ago

FREN10004 Uni. of Melbourne

I had done some french before so I found the subject pretty easy, but judging on others and myself,...

4 years ago

MAST30030 Uni. of Melbourne

Fantastically run subject by Prof Sandler. Content has improved over the years. Later parts of the c...

4 years ago

PHY3171 Monash Uni.

Practicals and lectures were interesting and the workload was very light (2hr lectures and 3 hr prac...

4 years ago

BMS2042 Monash Uni.

A lot of content but it's very interesting. Practicals are easy to score well in but the prac report...

4 years ago


Very interactive and a fun unit to do. It won't be a WAM booster if you don't put the effort in, whi...

4 years ago

SLE114 Deakin Uni.

Interesting and varied lectures and the camp is a lot of fun! The test was harder than expected so s...

4 years ago

SLE151 Deakin Uni.

Interesting lectures but they race through a lot of content pretty quickly. The assignments were fun...

4 years ago

SLE111 Deakin Uni.

This class is really hard, especially if you haven’t done bio before. Keep on top of the lectures an...

4 years ago

SLE101 Deakin Uni.

A broad range of useful techniques are covered and the pracs are interesting and fun. An easy class...

4 years ago


Interesting lecture content and standard bio labs. Worst part is the large focus on enzyme, cofactor...

4 years ago

PSYC1001 Uni. of Sydney

I swear Caleb isn't that bad.

4 years ago

PSYC1001 Uni. of Sydney

Make sure you focus during Fiona's lectures. She doesn't put anything on her slides. Developmental P...

4 years ago

PSY234 Macquarie

This subject was both very interesting in terms of content, and very well organised.

4 years ago

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