4,808 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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PSYC1102 The Uni. of Western Australia

This is a very well organised unit and the lectures are good. I enjoyed the content of this unit mor...

3 years ago

COMP10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Chris is fantastic

3 years ago

INDG1150 The Uni. of Western Australia

Easily the best unit I have ever done, I highly recommend this unit if you are looking for a relaxin...

3 years ago

PSYC1102 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit is one I simply didn't enjoy. The lectures are well structured and contained a lot of inte...

3 years ago

ANHB2216 The Uni. of Western Australia

It's a good unit, though I do have one or two criticisms for it. 20% of the mark are just prelab and...

3 years ago

ANHB2214 The Uni. of Western Australia

I loved this unit! Labs were divided into two, one hours sessions/week - one histology and one wet l...

3 years ago

PHYL2002 The Uni. of Western Australia

PHYL2001 was a fun unit but this unit, on the other hand, was quite stressful. Lectures weren't alwa...

3 years ago

COMP10001 Uni. of Melbourne

You'll probably hear this from everyone, but honestly its so true - this subject is perfect. Tim is...

3 years ago

MAST20009 Uni. of Melbourne

Christine is an amazing lecturer and the subject really is a great introduction to multivariable cal...

3 years ago

UNIB10002 Uni. of Melbourne

An interesting subject! Greg is really funny, I think you have to a little bit crazy to be a logicia...

3 years ago

PHIL10002 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject made me into the person I am now! What a wonderful introduction to the field of philoso...

3 years ago

MAST10009 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is very fast. I think Barry is a great lecturer, but for first-year, I really think it'...

3 years ago

MAST20022 Uni. of Melbourne

I loved this subject! It was the first subject I really honestly and completely understood the na...

3 years ago

STAT1400 The Uni. of Western Australia

In terms of content, this unit covers very basic statistics but the good thing is that they teach it...

3 years ago

PHAR1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

Like other 2020 reviews have stated, this unit is much more history than science, and you have to be...

3 years ago

PHAR1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

If you look at the reviews earlier than 2020, it may seem that this unit is an easy HD. WRONG. It us...

3 years ago

ANHB2214 The Uni. of Western Australia

Interesting unit that definitely gives you a useful understanding of organ histology and structure....

3 years ago

PHAR1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

DO NOT get baited into thinking this is an easy HD. IT IS NOT!!! Little to no mention of drug action...

3 years ago

PHAR1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

If you want to play a gloried memory game as a university unit go ahead and do this one. Literally e...

3 years ago

PSYC1102 The Uni. of Western Australia

Although a somewhat interesting unit, I always found my self wondering what the point of watching th...

3 years ago

MAST10010 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is full of really useful and valuable information, however the standard of teaching thi...

3 years ago

CITS1401 The Uni. of Western Australia

Unit absolutely obliterated me a hundred times over. Do not do unless you're experienced in programm...

3 years ago

MAST30034 Uni. of Melbourne

Pretty great way to end the Data Science major. The lectures are just a recap of everything you know...

3 years ago

MAST10010 Uni. of Melbourne

Edited to say that I really recommend that you take a different maths and stats subject (this review...

3 years ago

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