4,808 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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INDG1150 The Uni. of Western Australia

This is one of the most eye opening unit I have ever done. It is very interesting at every stage. Th...

3 years ago

PHAR1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

I enjoyed studying this unit and I have definitely become much more knowledgeable now in terms of ho...

3 years ago

PATH20001 Uni. of Melbourne

The content was really interesting, it's a shame that its kind of poorly coordinated. We never got i...

3 years ago

ANHB2216 The Uni. of Western Australia

I thoroughly enjoyed this unit.. except for the group project. It's very easy to get the marks for p...

3 years ago

ANHB2212 The Uni. of Western Australia

I finished this unit on a 78 but it felt like a nightmare! Tom was a good lecturer but sometimes I f...

3 years ago

INDG1150 The Uni. of Western Australia

I really enjoyed this unit! The unit coordinators and all the tutors seem to care more about me actu...

3 years ago

ANHB2214 The Uni. of Western Australia

I heard some not so great reviews about the unit coordinator that ran this unit which I did buy into...

3 years ago

ENST30003 Uni. of Melbourne

Very interesting content, interesting assignments, engaging lectures. Marking was weird though, I do...

3 years ago

ZOOL20006 Uni. of Melbourne

3.75/5 Interesting content but definitely the subject that caused me the most breakdowns this year...

3 years ago

6529 Uni. of Canberra

Interesting & engaging content. All the lecturers/tutors were motivated and helpful, but you definit...

3 years ago

ANTH1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

Great unit to take only if you are genuinely interested in the content. Personally enjoyed the unit...

3 years ago

BCMB20005 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject given online could have been a disaster given that it is a practical based subject, but...

3 years ago

PUBH1102 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit was very interesting but also very difficult. I definitely don't believe it should be a Le...

3 years ago

INDG1150 The Uni. of Western Australia

This is the best unit you will ever do. The content involved is something I believe all Australians...

3 years ago

PHYL2002 The Uni. of Western Australia

I found this unit stressful. The unit coordinator took weeks to reply (if he replied at all) and lec...

3 years ago

COMP10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Highly enjoyable subject. Gets you properly familiar with Python and covers basic programming princi...

3 years ago

HIST1901 The Uni. of Western Australia

Decent subject with a lot of valuable topics about the interactions between people and the environme...

3 years ago

RUSS10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Easily my favourite subject this semester - if you're considering taking it, then you should!! Laris...

3 years ago

PHYC10006 Uni. of Melbourne

I'm a biomed student who had to do this as part of my core subjects, so if you actually enjoy physic...

3 years ago

BIOL10005 Uni. of Melbourne

Pretty great subject!! Personally found some of Alex's fungi lectures to be quite dry but enjoyed th...

3 years ago

CITS1401 The Uni. of Western Australia

Not sure why the reviews below are so bad but I took this unit in semester 1, 2020 taught by Mubasha...

3 years ago

GEOG30027 Uni. of Melbourne

This is a human geography subject that is essentially a semester long group research project, with r...

3 years ago

ENVT3363 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit was very enjoyable. The labs are well run and easy to understand (once you get the hang of...

3 years ago

PSYC2208 The Uni. of Western Australia

Content is really interesting, but lectures are pretty full of content and aren't the easiest to lis...

3 years ago

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