4,808 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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PHYL2001 The Uni. of Western Australia

The unit overall was solid and of average difficulty for a science core unit. I found that the exam...

3 years ago

STAT1250 Macquarie

Well run unit. Keep up to date with the unit content and do practice questions each week and you wil...

3 years ago

PSYU1104 Macquarie

Strong workload, but good opportunity to boost WAM. As advised by another student, start your essay...

3 years ago

PSYC1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

PSYC1101 was definitely one of the most well-organised units, all resources and requirements are fai...

3 years ago

STAT1400 The Uni. of Western Australia

The hardest part of the unit was to set up the necessary tools. They did provide very detailed instr...

3 years ago

PSYC1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

I took this unit as an elective. Last time I learned science, that was 5 years ago, so I struggled a...

3 years ago

MIIM30002 Uni. of Melbourne

This was the bane of my existence. I didn't think I could ever experience misery like this. Very int...

3 years ago

PSYU1105 Macquarie

1104 was better, just because it covers more interesting topics. When I did this unit stats was a co...

3 years ago

PHYC10008 Uni. of Melbourne

Best subject I have ever done to date at unimelb. So fascinating, if you love learning about the uni...

3 years ago

MATH2021 The Uni. of Western Australia

The contents can be difficult to understand at times. My advice would be make sure you know how to d...

3 years ago

PHYC10001 Uni. of Melbourne

This is not that much harder than physics 1, so if you are eligible for this subject, I recommend it...

3 years ago

SSEH1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

Good unit if you're looking for a small workload during the semester, but not an easy HD if you dont...

3 years ago

BIOL10008 Uni. of Melbourne

This was a nightmare. The trouble with this subject is that it's burdened with having to cover too w...

3 years ago

PSYC20006 Uni. of Melbourne

Genuinely loved this subject. Content was challenging but interesting and stimulating. My tutor was...

3 years ago

PHYL2001 The Uni. of Western Australia

Easy to get the 40% through reports and an oral presentation. The exam was challenging and was 60%,...

3 years ago

FINA1109 The Uni. of Western Australia

Not an easy HD as the major assignment is marked harshly with a heavy weighting. The tutor is very s...

3 years ago

PHYS1021 The Uni. of Western Australia

So difficult because of the structure, assessments and challenging content. Even if you have done ma...

3 years ago

EDUC1102 The Uni. of Western Australia

This was quite heavy and not very easy for an HD. A lot of writing is involved and is marked quite h...

3 years ago

UNIB10002 Uni. of Melbourne

A very well-coordinated subject with decent content. Lecture quality and videos were very high quali...

3 years ago

JAPN10001 Uni. of Melbourne

If you want a subject that is easy for getting good grades, you can take this. However, I just fe...

3 years ago

ATS2866 Monash Uni.

Although it's a philosophy unit, make no mistake - this is a subject for those who like maths and co...

3 years ago

PSYC10003 Uni. of Melbourne

Lectures were great with Meredith - easy to follow. The only issue I had was Meredith often left off...

3 years ago

ANIM3320 The Uni. of Western Australia

I loved this unit. Jenny the Unit Coordinator is so lovely she made a good unit into a great one....

3 years ago

PSYC30013 Uni. of Melbourne

Such an interesting subject!!! I didn't even like statistics but Andy was such a great lecturer, he...

3 years ago

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