4,808 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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PSYC3302 The Uni. of Western Australia

Gilles is one of the best lecturers, and the structure and content in this unit was easy enough to f...

2 years ago

PSYC2203 The Uni. of Western Australia

Really important unit! Troy is a great lecturer. Teaches the foundational concepts in inferential st...

2 years ago

PHAR1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

A very interesting unit if you're interested in pharmacological history just as much (or perhaps mor...

2 years ago

SCIE1106 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit is a disaster. I learned nearly nothing of this because it wasn’t really related to what I...

2 years ago

COMP10002 Uni. of Melbourne

Grade: H1 80 This subject is a huge filter subject for the computing major, and it serves that purp...

2 years ago

MAST10007 Uni. of Melbourne

Grade: 90+ Do it in summer if you want good marks, the exam is much easier than the normal semester...

2 years ago

CHEM10004 Uni. of Melbourne

Did this over the summer, it's a really challenging but interesting subject. I personally preferred...

2 years ago


Well run course with a lot of resources for help and group study

2 years ago

MUSC1350 The Uni. of Western Australia

Ashley is one of if not the best lecturer I've had in my entire time at uni. This unit is not all th...

2 years ago

CEDB30004 Uni. of Melbourne

This was such a fun subject! I do only recommend doing it if you're interested in this area of scien...

2 years ago

MIIM20001 Uni. of Melbourne

This was a hard subject ngl, but it was the first bio level 2 subject that I did that was actually m...

2 years ago

AACE1000 The Uni. of Western Australia

Overall very nice to start off the semester

2 years ago

6529 Uni. of Canberra

Fantastic class, all lecturers/tutors were great and always willing to help. Is very content heavy s...

2 years ago

MAST20030 Uni. of Melbourne

As a pure math student I have to say this wasn't my favourite class, but I have to acknowledge that...

2 years ago

MAST20026 Uni. of Melbourne

If Chris Duffy is teaching this class in future, you will really love this class. During the COVID s...

2 years ago

SCOM1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

Don't recommend this either lol.

2 years ago

EDUC1102 The Uni. of Western Australia

lol not an easy HD as marking can be quite vague and really need a lot of effort. easy work tho but...

2 years ago

PHYL2002 The Uni. of Western Australia

Unit content was easy to grasp. Make sure to understand each topic/weekly content before moving on o...

2 years ago

CHEM10004 Uni. of Melbourne

Since noone has posted about this, here's a perspective from someone doing chem 2 without chem 1 - i...

2 years ago

SSEH1103 The Uni. of Western Australia

Easily the best unit I have ever done in my entire degree. I think that it is incredibly insightful...

2 years ago


Great course

2 years ago

1517 Uni. of Canberra

Did this last year but thought I should give an updated review because the older reviews most defini...

2 years ago

1516 Uni. of Canberra

Pretty poorly managed. You can tell the lecturer cares for the unit but it’s obvious they’ve been gi...

2 years ago

CHM3941 Monash Uni.

Such an awful unit. The labs were horrible and the content was poorly taught.

2 years ago

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