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✅ These notes summarise the ENTIRE EXAMINABLE CONTENT of BIOL10010, and can therefore be used as a...

135 pages, 19654 words

Detailed BIOL10010 Subjects Notes

These set of notes are an excellent resource for revision, written in simplified easy-to-understand...

78 pages, 26393 words

BIOL100010 Exam Notes [Part 2]

Notes on all examinable lectures and assigned readings from each module - Topics include: Module 4-...

66 pages, 24474 words

BIOL100010 Exam Notes [Part 1]

- Notes on all examinable lectures and assigned readings from each module - Topics include: Module...

87 pages, 25310 words


These notes include all you need to know to excel in this topic (lecture notes, workshop, and tutori...

58 pages, 15120 words


$45 per hour

My name is Angus, and I have had a lifelong passion for science that has carried me through a bachel...


$100 per hour

Proofreading and Tutoring - I'm a 4th year PhD in Cancer Immunology and Biology Tutor at the Univer...


$50 per hour

Dux and experienced tutor offering help to excel in your FINAL EXAMS. I offer packages to help you p...


$25 per hour

Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...


HUGE improvement from life's machinery. loved this subject! it is content heavy but its quite easy to do well on the assessments. don't fall too far behind and you should be fine!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

Overall, it was a fair subject. We were given more resources to do well in our report than Life’s Machinery, which helped me perform better in the subject in general. In terms of content, it was pretty dry; mostly about ecology and conservation of species. The quizzes were pretty okay, but sadly no free marks were given as opposed to last semester with Life’s Machinery, however, I was very glad that we were given feedback for all our quizzes so that we can improve in preparation to the final exam. The lecturers varied a lot as well; some were super detailed in their lecture slides and were super informative, whilst others only included useless screenshots or diagrams which made the lecture slides quite redundant. The subject coordinators were also quite passive aggressive at times; there was one time where someone on Campuswire presumably posted questions that were on the quiz to the platform, and as a person that uses that platform almost simultaneously, there was no instance of that and apparently it was from the normal bio people (not sure though). Regardless, I do find this subject to be more organised (not as interesting because I am not too interested in ecology) and my grades weren’t too bad either (although it was scaled down).

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022