4,808 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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PSYC1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

Not an easy unit to take if you haven't done psych before! If you've done psych atar, most of the co...

1 year ago

CHEM10003 Uni. of Melbourne

Well run subject with a organised and well resourced faculty. However the exam was pretty weird and...

1 year ago

ANHB2217 The Uni. of Western Australia

I have never been so excited to finish a unit in my entire academic career spanning 3 degrees over 2...

1 year ago

FOOD30008 Uni. of Melbourne

terrible subject, don't do it if you don't have to

1 year ago

BCMB20002 Uni. of Melbourne

Totally agree on previous comments that this subject is super content heavy. There are so many thing...

1 year ago

PSYC30013 Uni. of Melbourne

Andy is the best lecturer!! defs made the subject as great as it was

1 year ago

PHYC10009 Uni. of Melbourne

Don't take this subject, the second half of it is not well taught at all. There's no point in paying...

1 year ago

COMP30024 Uni. of Melbourne

Pretty bumpy ride. I actually really enjoyed the assignments. Sure they're brutal and grueling and j...

1 year ago

PSYC2203 The Uni. of Western Australia

I love Troy. He is very funny, engaging and willing to help. He also explains the content well to en...

1 year ago

PSYU3337 Macquarie

This unit was pretty horrible. I was so excited to learn about the DSM and all the disorders because...

1 year ago

CITS1401 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit did an alright job at teaching Python, yet most learning had to be done on my own based on...

1 year ago

ANAT30007 Uni. of Melbourne

Definitely a huge step up from 2nd year ANAT, considering I took it semester 1 the previous year it...

1 year ago

EDUC20080 Uni. of Melbourne

Can't recommend this subject enough! David is the best tutor I have had yet. Overall, the coordinati...

1 year ago

MUSC1981 The Uni. of Western Australia

The unit is well run and the marking is fair; the teachers and lecturers are good at what they do. I...

1 year ago

PUBH1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

Obviously you need a broad understanding of population health to do well in this unit. But more impo...

1 year ago

ANIM2220 The Uni. of Western Australia

This is a pretty good unit. I took it during a semester where they were changing from lab reports to...

1 year ago

ENVT2236 The Uni. of Western Australia

Fantastic unit!! Such interesting lectures and labs with a lot of hands on independence! There was n...

1 year ago

ENVT2250 The Uni. of Western Australia

I loved this unit! Not sure what people mean by boring lectures but I thought they were fantastic! E...

1 year ago

Biol10009 Uni. of Melbourne

The teaching staff barely provided any resources through out the semester, it made it very difficult...

1 year ago

GENE30002 Uni. of Melbourne

All lecturers are good and engaging and all the assessment content was relevant and helpful. Content...

1 year ago

GENE30001 Uni. of Melbourne

Fine, I guess. Charles (general evolutionary biology), Jack (speciation and development) and Belinda...

1 year ago

PHYC10003 Uni. of Melbourne

It was absolutely terrible. I would like to preface this by saying this was when lectures were prere...

1 year ago

GEOG10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Wolf is amazing and seems to really care for his students. The subject content is interesting and st...

1 year ago

PSYU3337 Macquarie

I have never taken a unit that just felt so purposefully set up to make me fail in my entire life. T...

1 year ago

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