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I agree with the other comment on here. Although the lecturers are clearly very experienced in their respective fields, the actual writing of the exam was so poorly executed relative to what we were taught throughout the semester. Was not worth memorizing somewhere between 50-70 parasites and diseases as well as applications, only to be tested on mites in great depth, including scientific names and categorizations that have no real-world applications... This subject truly has the potential to be really engaging and relevant to anyone looking into parasitology or agriculture, but honestly falls flat due to its disorganization and lack of cohesion between taught and tested material.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Badly organised subject - seemingly little communication between lecturers and coordinators. Overlap in lecture content, little communication with students left us feeling confused. Discussion boards were opened for weeks 1-5 only (where's week 6-12!!?). I wouldn't personally choose it unless it was a core subject (which it is). Workshops were very content heavy and confusing - sometimes an extra lecture was thrown in during the first hour. There are also 4 post-workshop quizzes (5% each) - information was not allowed to consolidate before we were tested. Content which was not mentioned was tested on (due to a different person writing the questions instead of the week's lecturer AND information was often not reiterated enough so we didn't know how to calculate things) and due to difficulty and content-heavy workshops, students were asking questions which resulted in the quizzes being released at a later time than originally prescribed. Breakout rooms were in groups of 10 - too many people talking over each other. In the second half of the semester, lecture content was repetitive and drab - it felt like an endless list of parasites. Overall, don't take the subject if you don't HAVE to. Other than that, it should be relatively easy to score well on. Despite it being confusing, a H1 should still be relatively achievable. Lecturers are still kind people and obviously experts in their fields.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021