5,767 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MD1020 James Cook

More comprehensive subject material but very interesting to study and learn

4 years ago

MD1010 James Cook

Focuses mainly on the basics and foundations required for the rest of the course

4 years ago

6001MSC Griffith

Interesting class even if there is not a lot of content. Helpful to get use to read a lot of literat...

4 years ago

6002HLS Griffith

Introduction to statical analysis and use of software SPSS. Content was ok but it was not enough to...

4 years ago

SWK4450 Monash Uni.

great great subject and I CAN HELP YOU PLEASE REACH ME VIA martinessayservices(at)g-mail (dot com

4 years ago

OLET1634 Uni. of Sydney

Really great online unit - interesting content and pretty easy to achieve a great mark. Just do some...

4 years ago

POPH90013 Uni. of Melbourne

Well taught by Enes, exam followed the assignment format so there were no surprises.

4 years ago

HSE208 Deakin Uni.

Very interesting subject! I love solving the case studies given on the seminar and exam revisions....

4 years ago

HSN107 Deakin Uni.

This unit is so interesting!! If you require any help with this unit, I can tutor you. My name is M...

4 years ago

HSN206 Deakin Uni.

Very interesting subject! Contact me if you require any help on this subject. My name is Meher Vatva...

4 years ago

HSN101 Deakin Uni.

This unit wasn't what I expected! It was very interesting in parts and others seemed off the beaten...

4 years ago

HPS111 Deakin Uni.

Firstly, you do not need the prescribed text so don't waste those precious $$.. This was an elective...

4 years ago

BIO10662 Southern Cross Uni.

Great subject! Amazing tutors and lecturers - Amanda, Esther, Pam and Izzy! I really enjoyed it howe...

4 years ago

PSYU3399 Macquarie

A disappointing unit. Imagine being lost in a sea of information with little direction. Good grades...

4 years ago

SOAD1009 Flinders

This subject flicks a switch.. it was so interesting, eye opening and if your lucky enough to have A...

4 years ago

BIOL1040 Uni. of Qld

A lot of content, and it could get quite confusing at times. I found that having to complete the lab...

4 years ago

HLSC1000 The Uni. of Newcastle

Basic intro course that will set you up for more challenging subjects at uni, easy to complete well...

4 years ago

PSYU3399 Macquarie

There was no consistency between tutors and the marking was very subjective. Assessments were a bit...

4 years ago


A very underrated subject which is extremely useful & applicable in the work place.

4 years ago


A solid foundation of physics in general & it provides a good application to biomedicine.

4 years ago

CUC107 Charles Darwin Uni.

Do this over SS, This unit is able to take simple common sense terms and turn them into complex conc...

4 years ago

HPS202 Deakin Uni.

The content is super intuitive with a lot of reference to previous years.

4 years ago


Great subject. Really hands on and a great insight into how Earth came to be

4 years ago

ECHE1180 Macquarie

The content was extremely interesting - some of the most interesting things I've learnt at universit...

4 years ago

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