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SWP1CHS La Trobe

This subject has the potential to be very dry and boring. Although if you have a good engaging teach...

4 years ago


This unit was well taught and provided the foundational knowledge needed for most areas of speech pa...

4 years ago


Really enjoyed this subject and it was taught well. This unit provides the foundations of linguistic...

4 years ago

HPS328 Deakin Uni.

Great to develop real life experience in the field!

4 years ago


This subject covers A LOT but it was all extremely interesting and gave me the most amazing introduc...

4 years ago


Loved this subject and LOVED the textbook even more! This subject is intense but is a great foundati...

4 years ago


This subject was a complete waste of time for my degree, however the teacher was nice.

4 years ago


Quite content heavy, but relatively easy.

4 years ago

HSN210 Deakin Uni.

Loved this unit!

4 years ago

HSN106 Deakin Uni.

Not bad at all

4 years ago

HBS110 Deakin Uni.

This unit is full on indeed, but it was very interesting.

4 years ago

BMS308 Charles Sturt Uni.

I absolutely loved this subject. My lecturer made it so interesting and it was great to think of the...

4 years ago


This is a great subject that covers all the important theories on human development as it relates to...

4 years ago


This is a great subject in that it gives students the first bite sized exposure to the process and d...

4 years ago


This is a tough subject, as it is very heavy on neurobiology and brain chemistry. Learning about the...

4 years ago


Much like the previous review, the subject can be bland particularly if you're not geared towards le...

4 years ago


A fascinating subject. The more you learn about human development, the more you realise just how com...

4 years ago

91706 UTS

By far my favorite unit to teach at UTS. Theory is by no means a walk in the park, and prac's are a...

4 years ago

7120 Uni. of Canberra

Very interesting unit! Andrew does a really good job, prewarning that some of the content he speaks...

4 years ago

CHEM1101 Flinders

super helpful tutorials/workshops and well structured topic.

4 years ago

MMED2935 Flinders

Need to study a bit, but exam is not that difficult!

4 years ago

HLTH1003 Flinders

Such ez assignments, can really ace em!

4 years ago

BIOL1101 Flinders

Teachers & pracs were great!

4 years ago

EXSS1029 Uni. of Sydney

The content is extremely useful and interesting. The online lectures are easy to follow and time-sav...

4 years ago

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