4,808 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MUSI20149 Uni. of Melbourne

Scored 95 on this subject. Not difficult, but truthfully there isn't all too much to learn here. How...

1 year ago

ANAT20006 Uni. of Melbourne

Content understanding is limited by lecturers ability. Embryology lecturer was embarrassingly bad, y...

1 year ago

CEDB20003 Uni. of Melbourne

EXTREMELY content heavy, all self reliant no lectures at all. Tutors didn’t know what they were doin...

1 year ago

PSYC30014 Uni. of Melbourne

A must for wanna-be practising psychologists!

1 year ago

PSYC30013 Uni. of Melbourne

Definitely a tough subject if you're not a fan of stats (as most of psych students) but Andy is so w...

1 year ago

PSYC20006 Uni. of Melbourne

The contents were so interesting for this subject. I recommend!

1 year ago

PSYC10004 Uni. of Melbourne

Wonderful subject that can be taken as a breadth subject or continuing on as part of your psychology...

1 year ago

PSYC10003 Uni. of Melbourne

Great subject that introduces basic psychology concepts and a little taster to see if psych is worth...

1 year ago

SCIE1000 Uni. of Qld

Very boring and forced, only took cause compulsory 🥲🥲

1 year ago

SCIE1000 Uni. of Qld

Very boring and forced, only took cause compulsory 🥲🥲

1 year ago

PSYC3315 The Uni. of Western Australia

I found this unit very challenging. Be prepared. The only redeeming factor is the lectures have clea...

1 year ago

SCIE10005 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject didn’t really take up too much of my time as I didn’t go to the lectures and barely wen...

1 year ago

BIOL10008 Uni. of Melbourne

I went into this subject thinking this would be a simple subject for people who had no background in...

1 year ago

PSYC10003 Uni. of Melbourne

This was my first time doing a psychology subject and overall I'm pretty satisfied. The learning and...

1 year ago

MULT10011 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject was split into three modules: biology, astronomy, and geology. I think this was the fir...

1 year ago

ITAL10006 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject was overall really engaging and interesting! The teaching staff are all really passiona...

1 year ago

CLAS10004 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is really challenging, but definitely worthwhile. Edward is a great lecturer/tutor and...

1 year ago

ANCW10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Really great introduction to Ancient History! Becky was the best tutor, and Andrew was a super fun l...

1 year ago

MUSI20149 Uni. of Melbourne

mixed feelings on this subject. You can literally do no work (less that 1 hour a week) and do decent...

1 year ago

PSYC30014 Uni. of Melbourne

If you're looking to become a psychologist in the future, this is a must take subject. I personally...

1 year ago

PSYC30018 Uni. of Melbourne

Thought I would add a bit more of a recent take on this subject. If you're thinking that you might n...

1 year ago

PSYC30013 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject was amazing, Andy is the best lecturer I have ever had, he made coding and statistics f...

1 year ago

CHM3930 Monash Uni.

Top third level chemistry unit. 3x1hr lectures each week but the workshop questions were lacking and...

1 year ago

ATS2866 Monash Uni.

Great elective to do without any philosophy pre-knowledge. No lectures just weekly reading accompani...

1 year ago

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