5,762 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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HBS1HBB La Trobe

Easy WAM booster. Seriously, if you pay attention in your lectures and workshops it's easy to get 90...

5 months ago

BIOS1169 Uni. of Sydney

1. Active learning: Instead of passively reading or listening to lectures, actively engage with the...

5 months ago

MMI (Multiple Mini Interview - M Uni. of Melbourne

Difficult and unpredictable questions, but if you have a good strategy then you should be fine!

5 months ago

PHYL1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

The exam was super easy, and the content is also easy. Pretty fun labs and simple post labs. Keep up...

5 months ago

Medical School Interviews ANU

Medical interviews are hard, but the personal development it forces out of you is always worth it. C...

5 months ago

BIOM20002 Uni. of Melbourne

Grade: H1. You're covering 3 disciplines (anat, physio, pharm) in 1. Anat: content-heavy and u do ne...

6 months ago

PHYL1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

My favourite unit of first yr. I could not recommend this unit enough for biomed students. The unit...

6 months ago

BIOM20002 Uni. of Melbourne

Result- 52 Pass. Thank goodness! BIOM20002 HSF integrates anatomy, physiology & pharmacology into a...

6 months ago

CHEM10006 Uni. of Melbourne

Result- 82 H1. The only H1 thus far in my Biomedicine degree (I am 50% completed). I really enjoye...

6 months ago

BIOM10001 Uni. of Melbourne

BIOM10001 was designed as an introduction to first year Biomedicine students. Lectures were okay. As...

6 months ago

HPSC30019 Uni. of Melbourne

The content had so much potential to be interesting but the delivery method (individual short videos...

6 months ago

PSYU3352 Macquarie

Worst unit ever. Most disorganised lecturer and the exam was extremely hard

6 months ago

NEUR30007 Uni. of Melbourne

The main lecturer was awesome and the subject should be pretty straightforward if you have done the...

6 months ago

3929NRS Griffith

I loved this subject. It truly was self-paced and very simple assignment-wise. They give you access...

7 months ago

2014MSC Griffith

Fantastic subject. Dr. Grice is an awesome teacher and will take time out of his day to sit down wit...

7 months ago

2012AHS Griffith

This, aside from Organic Chemistry, is probably the best course I've taken. For someone who wants to...

7 months ago

2000MSC Griffith

Giving two stars for this course because while it was amusing and somewhat comical at times, much of...

7 months ago

OCTY1205 Uni. of Qld

course coordinator is condescending and does not provide adequate resources for assessments, and the...

7 months ago

MAST10016 Uni. of Melbourne

This was an excellent subject with very interesting content. We covered various applications of math...

7 months ago

POPH20002 Uni. of Melbourne

Grade: 85. Whilst I did do POPH10001 this year which may be slightly different to this subject, thou...

7 months ago

1017MSC Griffith

Very demanding course in my opinion, fortunately course convenor was very helpful along with tutors...

7 months ago

1014MSC Griffith

Interesting course, convenor could have been nicer, but overall experience was pleasant.

7 months ago

1015MSC Griffith

Interesting course, convenor is quite nice, difficult content even with pre-existing chemistry knowl...

7 months ago

1016MSC Griffith

Course convenor was very nice and understanding, content is interesting, everything is taught carefu...

7 months ago

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