4,808 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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SCI1020 Monash Uni.

Sojin is a very good lecturer, she is very helpful if you get stuck and always replies to emails to...

4 years ago

PSYC30013 Uni. of Melbourne

great subject. i understand why this is compulsory in psychology majors.

4 years ago

PSYC30014 Uni. of Melbourne

awesome subject. very well designed course. The first assignment is about depression and anxiety whi...

4 years ago

91320 UTS

The syllabus of this subject is very well designed!

4 years ago

PSYC3303 The Uni. of Western Australia

If you like politics, then (maybe) you’ll like this unit. Not a political person myself, so I found...

4 years ago

MUSC1350 The Uni. of Western Australia

Very cool unit! You get a chance to watch & listen to many live performances :) Contents are easy to...

4 years ago

PSYC3301 The Uni. of Western Australia

Listen to the lectures, do your notes and make sure understand the statistical concepts! Easy HD and...

4 years ago

PSYC2203 The Uni. of Western Australia

1 million likes to Troy (lecturer & unit coordinator)! He is able to explain statistical concepts in...

4 years ago

JAPN1401 The Uni. of Western Australia

Excellent unit, well-organized content, and outstanding unit coordinator - Romit sensei! If you like...

4 years ago

FREN1401 The Uni. of Western Australia

Pay attention to the classes (especially tutorials), read the textbook after each class, revise befo...

4 years ago

MKTG1107 The Uni. of Western Australia

Excellent and well-organized contents! The lecturer and tutors are very helpful! You’ll learn a lot...

4 years ago

CITS1401 The Uni. of Western Australia

Don't ever consider doing this subject if you are a newcomer to python. It destroyed my GPA and I ho...

5 years ago

PHYC10008 Uni. of Melbourne

great subject!!! almost made me change my major. the content is super engaging. did not attend any l...

5 years ago

MAST10006 Uni. of Melbourne

practice enough and you'll have an H1 in your bag. super fun subject, loved the lecturer.

5 years ago

CHEM20018 Uni. of Melbourne

great subject, great content, great delivery. Materials chem was a bit challenging but the lecturer...

5 years ago

MAST10007 Uni. of Melbourne

very fun. personally, did not enjoy the the practical/lab bit but the content and the 4pm lecturer w...

5 years ago

CHEM10004 Uni. of Melbourne

I personally enjoyed the subject a lot. The content is challenging but if you are committed, you can...

5 years ago

CHEM10003 Uni. of Melbourne

although its repetitive, its quite difficult being the first uni subject in the course. will recomme...

5 years ago

COMP10001 Uni. of Melbourne

A great and rewarding introduction to the world of computing, the lecturers are passionate and conve...

5 years ago

COMP10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Great introduction; gives an idea of what to expect in programming (even if that means finding out i...

5 years ago

91161 UTS

Good basic understanding of a lot of concepts vital to later biology studies. Lectures are not the b...

5 years ago

65111 UTS

Very basic, not much past high school chem. Lectures are good and informative. I recommend watching...

5 years ago

PSY1011 Monash Uni.

2 hour workshops are pointless, the assignments are really silly. Asking first years to do a literat...

5 years ago

BCMB30010 Uni. of Melbourne

The lab and lecture components are great but the lab books take an huge amount of time and the marki...

5 years ago

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