2,752 Law subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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Lectures improved throughout semester, but overall did not need to be attended if reading had been d...

10 years ago

LAWS3362 The Uni. of Western Australia

A very difficult unit (which you could probably expect from the title).

10 years ago

LAWS3385 The Uni. of Western Australia

Incredibly difficult unit! Simon is a great lecturer but the content is very difficult so make sure...

10 years ago

LWZ100A Charles Darwin Uni.

An excellent introduction to Law studies. LWZ100A is well taught, and encourages active participati...

10 years ago

INI101 Charles Darwin Uni.

The subject is well-taught and encourages active student participation. Pak Nathan is passionate abo...

10 years ago

LAW572 Macquarie

Excellent subject. Extremely interesting & very engagingly taught. Highly recommended.

10 years ago

LAW208 Macquarie

I really enjoyed the critical thinking that arose out of questioning the content in LAW208. The asse...

10 years ago

200757 WSU

Very valuable and interactive unit. I enjoyed studying and learning about Equity and Trusts. I've ta...

10 years ago

200015 WSU

The lecturer was fantastic, however I believe the quizzes were not actual quizzes and felt more like...

10 years ago

200013 WSU

Great overall subject. Excellent textbook by Michael Head and a very professional and encouraging at...

10 years ago

LAWS5121 Uni. of Qld

Anne-Marie Rice was the best lecturer I've ever had. I would recommend taking it intensively to anyo...

10 years ago

LAWS4112 Uni. of Qld

Great subject and I really enjoyed the lectures and tutorials. Textbook by Lipton is very helpful th...

10 years ago

LLB354 Wollongong

This subject is quite interesting and the tutor really gets you thinking about the issues within hum...

10 years ago

SOC2SWS La Trobe

With only two assessments, one a 1400 word essay worth 35% and the other a 2600 word report worth 65...

10 years ago

LLB343 Wollongong

The class was very informative, however just reading the textbook wouldn't help you; the tutor menti...

10 years ago

POL2ILO La Trobe

The subject is effected greatly by funding cuts. The lecturer does all she can to avoid this impacti...

10 years ago

POL305 Macquarie

A lot of theory and seemed more like a history course at some stages. A good course, but not if you...

10 years ago


An average subject. the content is interesting but the lectures would not be completed in the alloc...

10 years ago


Over all it was a good subject. the lecturers and tutors are very knowledgeable. The assignment was...

10 years ago

LLAW3212 Flinders

Covers civil procedure in a simple way

10 years ago

LLAW3211 Flinders

Covers a very important area which should be understood regardless of which side one wishes to repes...

10 years ago

LAWS3310 The Uni. of Western Australia

Kate Offer is the best. Interesting subject, logical applications (which I prefer to fluffy subjects...

10 years ago


A solid introduction to the subject, and some good selected readings

10 years ago

ATS3065 Monash Uni.

Language component is well-run, tutors are great and classes allow you to develop language skills. C...

10 years ago

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