2,750 Law subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MAST30031 Uni. of Melbourne

I did this subject knowing nothing about physics and it was quite challenging! Although there are no...

2 years ago


Subject is a good introductory course to law studies. Some topics could have been discussed in a sim...

2 years ago


Could have been an interesting subject but there is a complete disjoint between tutorials and assign...

2 years ago

laws3316 The Uni. of Western Australia

Hardly related to law and was incredibly mediocre. Assessment instructions were unclear but the asse...

2 years ago

MLL405 Deakin Uni.

the textbook is very self indulgent and fails to explain the principles in simple terms. Be prepared...

2 years ago

LAW2FPL La Trobe

Lecturer really needs to change

2 years ago

70108 UTS

I heard that Spring 2020 was a terrible semester for this subject but it seems that they really impr...

2 years ago

76007 UTS

Roberto was a really cool guy, his lectures were actually quite interesting and the only reason I lo...

2 years ago

Laws1061 UNSW

- i only began to enjoy the latter bit of the course when i was more engaged in it - had a strict a...

2 years ago

LAW1LIM La Trobe

Provides a great introduction to the law degree by introducing the basic structures that underpin th...

2 years ago


- History-based and quite conceptually vague in regards to the law. It's a soft-core start to Torts...

2 years ago


If you have done Legal Studies, this course is a breeze.

2 years ago

LWZ114 Charles Darwin Uni.

This was incredibly hard for a diploma subject, but so interesting and a great way to kick off with...

2 years ago

LWA120 Charles Darwin Uni.

I found this really challenging and the lectures were incredibly boring.

2 years ago


I found this class to be very interesting and quite easy to understand, given I had no prior experie...

2 years ago


So interesting. Greg is so experienced within this field and presents a range of statistics in a way...

2 years ago

LAWS2016 Uni. of Sydney

A good course

2 years ago

LLAW1313 Flinders

This topic was quite laidback and not that stressful, although a significant portion of the grade co...

3 years ago

LLAW1312 Flinders

The tutor was really great for the subject and offered a lot of help to students, while also giving...

3 years ago

LLAW1311 Flinders

Lectures were all pre-recorded and online which made them difficult to engage with, but the workshop...

3 years ago

CRIM1101 Flinders

Found assessment quite easy but didn't think there was a lot of cohesion between the lectures and th...

3 years ago

70317 UTS

horribly structured unit, hard exam and hard tutorials, I just passed with a lot of work done

3 years ago

70114 UTS

Coordinator improved the course and included lots of feedback for assessments, one of the most enjoy...

3 years ago

LLAW2212 Flinders

Why do all law topics offer 0 useable feedback and just downgrade you heavily on a few things to the...

3 years ago

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