Police, Courts & Criminal Law
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View all 1012CCJ notes1012 Police, Courts & Criminal Law - comprehensive study notes (lectures, readings & tutorials)
A full comprehensive document with all lecture, tutorial and reading materials from weeks 1 - 12. Th...
18 pages, 4290 words
Police, Courts and Criminal Law
These notes cover the thirteen weeks worth of content for 1012CCJ all in one document.
28 pages, 8258 words
1012CCJ Police Courts and Criminal Law Notes
Lecture and tutorial notes, good exam revision as a lot of content was covered in this course Wee...
23 pages, 8169 words
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$30 per hour
Hi! My name is Rosa, and I am a casual lecturer and PhD candidate. I've been tutoring for over 10 ye...
This was one of the best subjects I have done while at Griffith. It was easy to understand and the assessments were relevant.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021
The only thing I liked about studying Criminology was this class and the lecturer, Keiran Hardy (sad that he doesn't teach anymore)
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
The best core subject! The court report was interesting.