• 4,179 Griffith subjects
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The convenor has a wealth of experience and is very open to student feedback and the overall student...

2 months ago


The lecturers/convenors aren't the most likeable people. The course consists of mini-lectures with n...

2 months ago


This course is not for the faint of heart (then again, neither is physics in general), and you will...

7 months ago


I loved this subject. It truly was self-paced and very simple assignment-wise. They give you access...

7 months ago


Didn't particularly feel anything towards this subject. Much of what I learnt I've already forgotten...

7 months ago


Fantastic subject. Dr. Grice is an awesome teacher and will take time out of his day to sit down wit...

7 months ago


This, aside from Organic Chemistry, is probably the best course I've taken. For someone who wants to...

7 months ago


Giving two stars for this course because while it was amusing and somewhat comical at times, much of...

7 months ago


Probably the worst subject I have ever taken at Griffith University. I am about to graduate from my...

7 months ago


Very demanding course, subpar convenor, though other tutors were very useful and kind during lab ses...

7 months ago


Very demanding course in my opinion, fortunately course convenor was very helpful along with tutors...

7 months ago


Interesting course, convenor could have been nicer, but overall experience was pleasant.

7 months ago


Interesting course, convenor is quite nice, difficult content even with pre-existing chemistry knowl...

7 months ago


Course convenor was very nice and understanding, content is interesting, everything is taught carefu...

7 months ago


No pre-requisite knowledge in biology required other than 1014MSC, very passable

7 months ago


Very similar to high school chemistry, easy to pass with or without pre-requisite knowledge.

7 months ago


There is a group assignment, I was fortunate enough to have a good group. My recommendation is post...

8 months ago


Fun subject that teaches the core of business decision making skills

10 months ago


Great subject that teaches the basics

10 months ago


Not too bad however I'm very thankful that I got the textbook. The content is super interesting

1 year ago


The course is very poorly organised with bad quality materials. Assessments are unclear and the conv...

1 year ago


Brilliant subject, and a great convenor and tutor. It is a shame that the major assignment is 60% an...

1 year ago


This subject was extremely challenging, not because the theory was intense, but because we had no su...

1 year ago


Very informative course and the convenor/tutor were amazing. However, much too many weekly readings/...

1 year ago

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