2,752 Law subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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LAW4170 Monash Uni.

This unit really drew from previous subjects (equity, contracts, even property law) in a way that wa...

6 years ago

CRA1PWR La Trobe

I chose this subject as an elective. The lectures were so basic and general on how to write, anyone...

6 years ago

MLL213 Deakin Uni.

Whilst heaps of reseources provides by teaching staff, exam was too short (2 hrs) no planning and wa...

6 years ago

AHIS354 Macquarie

Really easy unit. The quizzes are easy and it finishes off with an oral presentation. The only issue...

6 years ago


Great law course. Directors duties make up a lot of the final.

6 years ago


Ros Dixon is a god.

6 years ago

LAWS3004A The Uni. of Newcastle

Really interesting! Very content heavy though.

6 years ago

LAWS2004A The Uni. of Newcastle

The course was really interesting - although I felt like I taught most of it to myself through the t...

6 years ago

POLI1020 The Uni. of Newcastle

Was super interesting - assignments were quite easy!

6 years ago

LAWS2224 The Uni. of Western Australia

Soooo disappointed!! I had such high hopes for this unit and it turned out to be the least engaging...

6 years ago

LAWS5019 Macquarie

Interesting and easy subject. The tutor Danielle is very nice. Lectures are 2 hours long so put in o...

6 years ago

LWZ223 Charles Darwin Uni.

One of the worst series of lectures.. too many pauses and very difficult to follow in some topics. S...

6 years ago

STC1WSC La Trobe

Run by one guy so it can tend to be repetitive and boring. Overall interesting in the types of assig...

6 years ago

LAW1DR La Trobe

Focuses majorly on mediation and whatnot, so very interesting if you are interested in going into th...

6 years ago

LAW1LIM La Trobe

Anita is a great lecturer if you get her at La Trobe. This subject kinda covers everything from Lega...

6 years ago

CRIM1101 Flinders

Super easy, no exam and lots of small assessments (quizzes) weekly. Have a brief understanding and y...

6 years ago

ATS2633 Monash Uni.

This subject was a lot of fun. The unit-coordinator was useful and did help you if you reached out....

6 years ago

MLL319 Deakin Uni.

Excellent unit, well taught

6 years ago

ATS2517 Monash Uni.

Don't think they taught me much of anything... But it was enjoyable enough. I would have preferred m...

6 years ago

LAW2FPL La Trobe

topics are covered vaguely in lectures - reliance on text book.

6 years ago

7022 Uni. of Canberra

Got a distinction in the unit. Overall my favourite law subject and the teacher is awesome at their...

6 years ago

3016Law Griffith

Don't do this subject if you can help it.

6 years ago

SOC311 Macquarie

The ramblings of a lunatic, what else can I say

6 years ago

LAW00520 Southern Cross Uni.

Truly the worst subject I have ever had to endure. Absolutely irrelevant and of no value whatsoever....

6 years ago

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