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HPS121 Deakin Uni.

Covers all the main branches of psychology (developmental, personality, psych disorders and treatmen...

5 years ago

HPS111 Deakin Uni.

A pretty interesting unit! Exam was multiple choice and really easy.

5 years ago


Honestly my favourite unit from the whole year! The unit isn't easy itself but the way she teaches a...

5 years ago


Look it's overall an easy course that you can gain great marks in. If you do all the readings you ca...

5 years ago

PHYC10007 Uni. of Melbourne

IMO not as bad a subject as people make it out to be, but still, more to be complained about than pr...

5 years ago

MAST10011 Uni. of Melbourne

As several people have previously said, Rheanna made what would otherwise be an uninteresting subjec...

5 years ago

MAST10016 Uni. of Melbourne

Yikes. I thought I liked genetics and maths.

5 years ago

BIOL10002 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is an introductory subject to Biology in University. However, it requires VCE Year 12 B...

5 years ago

PSYCHOL 1001 Uni. of Adelaide

Basically identical to Psychology 1A in layout/expectations. Pretty easy, exam was highly structured...

5 years ago

PSYCHOL 1000 Uni. of Adelaide

A relatively easy course, with significant support for staff, although predominantly self-directed l...

5 years ago

BIOL10002 Uni. of Melbourne

half is a review of your VCE Yr 12 Biology. and the rest is about different human systems but at a v...

5 years ago

400863 WSU

Honestly, it was a very simple unit and I didn't realise this until the last day before the exam whe...

5 years ago


This was such an amazing unit. I had the most fun in the entire first year studying this one. The co...

5 years ago

PHYC10007 Uni. of Melbourne

A 'messy' subject in general. Pracs were initially very stressful but you sort of get the hang of it...

5 years ago

MAST10011 Uni. of Melbourne

Rheanna was a really, really good lecturer and made the 'not so interesting' content, bearable. she...

5 years ago


waste of time

5 years ago

BIOL10002 Uni. of Melbourne

Well-organised subject, a great intro to bio. If you haven't done VCE bio before (me) it IS a lot of...

5 years ago

CHEM10006 Uni. of Melbourne

Well-organised but traumatic and wayyyyyy more difficult than year 12 chem. I found it fast-paced. I...

5 years ago

PHYC10007 Uni. of Melbourne

Wow, I don't even know where to start from, this subject is truly a nightmare. This course is extrem...

5 years ago

PHYC10007 Uni. of Melbourne

Most horrible and challenging subjects throughout the semester. Good luck.

5 years ago

PSYU3399 Macquarie

This is by far the worst unit I have ever completed at Macquarie University. The assessments are mar...

5 years ago

MAST10011 Uni. of Melbourne

Rheanna was fantastic and explained things really clearly and went into more detail when needed! All...

5 years ago

PHYC10007 Uni. of Melbourne

Really horrible subject. I believed I would have enjoyed physics if this were run better, but it was...

5 years ago

PHYC10007 Uni. of Melbourne

Practice exam answers included: "see lecture slides". Yeah, that sums up the subject. Pity that t...

5 years ago

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