5,770 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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CHEM1010 The Uni. of Newcastle

Really interesting course. If you haven't completed any HSC science, it's a great subject that just...

8 years ago

HBS107 Deakin Uni.

I didn't enjoy the essays for this unit, however I did get good marks for it. The exam was really ea...

8 years ago

HBS110 Deakin Uni.

Good subject if you haven't done year 12 health. A bit too focussed on America - would be better if...

8 years ago

2220MED Griffith

Epidemiology is a fascinating subject to me but the way it was presented was dry and difficult to un...

8 years ago

1001PSY Griffith

Fascinating course and very engaging course convenor. The lab report assignment was challenging, so...

8 years ago

SHS 150 Wollongong

Lectures were interesting and engaging. Great introductory level nutrition subject. The subject is m...

8 years ago

SHS 111 Wollongong

Great subject. I would advise that you keep on top of everything i.e. don't fall behind because ther...

8 years ago


Loved this class, the lecturer is bae. He explains things very well, even to those who didn't do mat...

8 years ago


This class like any other stats class was quite difficult. It's very team oriented which may or may...

8 years ago


I really loved this class. the lecturer was amazing, she kept all of us engaged and was very approac...

8 years ago

BM1042 James Cook

Online learning may not suit everyone's learning styles. But students should not shy away if it does...

8 years ago

1008PSY Griffith

A lot of the content seems common sense, but that doesn't mean it's not important. Much of the conte...

8 years ago

1003psy Griffith

Try not to get caught up in the idea that "stats is hard". If you attend tutorials, read your text...

8 years ago

1001PSY Griffith

An engaging, albeit heavy course. You'll learn about foundational components of the brain, their fun...

8 years ago

PHA00315 Southern Cross Uni.

Great subject, Very interesting. Workload is very manageable.

8 years ago

NRS10734 Southern Cross Uni.

Interesting and fun subject. Great start to the practical nursing skills!

8 years ago

BIO00307 Southern Cross Uni.

Interesting subject and content, however the workload is very large for one session!

8 years ago

HNN114 Deakin Uni.

extremely dry

8 years ago

HSH218 Deakin Uni.

extremely dry, complex theories were not well understood.

8 years ago

BIOL30002 Uni. of Melbourne

This is a fantastic subject, the coordinators are great, and you get a feel for what working in a re...

8 years ago

BIOL1040 Uni. of Qld

I think the reason BIOL1040 gets a bad wrap is that it is a 2nd/3rd year subject hiding as a first y...

8 years ago

ANTH2901 The Uni. of Western Australia

I have never been in a unit where the tutorial discussions have been more interesting, free and genu...

8 years ago


The textbook is actually quite an interesting read and the skills learnt can be applied to many area...

8 years ago

CHG106 Uni. of Tasmania

Good course following on from the semester 1 unit. Focus is more on the body systems which makes it...

8 years ago

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