5,770 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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ANHB3321 The Uni. of Western Australia

Fascinating unit. Engaging content and delivery.

7 years ago

PUBH2216 The Uni. of Western Australia

Really useful - provided me with some fantastic, translatable skills for the work-place.

7 years ago

DSRS1211 Flinders

A very interesting topic full of diversity and very informative. This topic can be a great intro to...

7 years ago


Enjoyed listening to the lectures and reading but hated the assessments. Too many people in class an...

7 years ago


Although challenging at times, great subject overall. A lot of content.

7 years ago


Really enjoyed this subject

7 years ago

HSN107 Deakin Uni.

They key to be get HD in this unit is to gain marks from assignments and quizzes. Which are so easy...

7 years ago

HSN101 Deakin Uni.

This unit has a lot of content However it is so interesting which makes it 10 times easier than any...

7 years ago

PSYC3020 Uni. of Qld

Couldn't get a better lecturer than Jo!!

7 years ago


There is no motivation to put effort in, as there is no clear purpose for this subject.

7 years ago

1003psy Griffith

Excellent lecturers, tutors can be a bit useless so make sure you find a good one and talk to them/e...

7 years ago

2008PSY Griffith

Excellent lectures and tutors, needs more tutorials as you only get 5 and not a lot of help with the...

7 years ago

PSYC1040 Uni. of Qld

This subject had quite a major overhaul for Semester 2, 2016 and I think the new structure is great!...

7 years ago

CY2002 James Cook

loved this subject, well organised, great material and great approachable lecturer. tests and assess...

7 years ago

HPS304 Deakin Uni.

Unclear assignment expectations, mandatory tutes, which were hopefully interesting, but totally unre...

7 years ago

MID102 Charles Darwin Uni.

Great subject.

7 years ago

PSYC1030 Uni. of Qld

Good GPA booster. Most of the content was interesting. Lecturers are interactive and great. Tutorial...

7 years ago

HPS206 Deakin Uni.

One of my favourite units so far. The unit chair clearly loves her job and wants us to do well. It h...

7 years ago

HPS202 Deakin Uni.

Really interesting and challenges you without being too hard. No textbook & everything is online whi...

7 years ago

LING2220 Macquarie

The lecturer is awesome so are the topics!

7 years ago

1973NRS Griffith

Alright subject, but the lecture notes are crap. Use the textbook and go to tutorials!!

7 years ago

1979NRS Griffith

Had a horrible experience with lectures and tutorials being cancelled. I did not get many questions...

7 years ago


Set lecture notes and videos were great, very well set out and easier to understand however everythi...

7 years ago

FRE3005 La Trobe

I found this subject extremely interesting and intriguing. I found that it was not merely grammar an...

7 years ago

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