5,767 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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POPH90058 Uni. of Melbourne

Very bad experience taking this subject. The lectures (pre-recorded) are only 15 mins per week and t...

3 years ago

POPH90093 Uni. of Melbourne

Nice subject, very well taught by Tessa. Just keep in mind that you can never understand Economics a...

3 years ago

POPH90013 Uni. of Melbourne

Amazing subject. I had absolutely zero prior experience on statistics but the unit was SO well coord...

3 years ago

POPH90217 Uni. of Melbourne

Great subject. EXTREMELY INFORMATIVE. Very well taught by experts from different public health field...

3 years ago

POPH90014 Uni. of Melbourne

Nice unit. Can get a bit too intense towards the end if you have things piled up. So make sure you a...

3 years ago

2000MSC Griffith

Nigel has no idea what is actually going on in his own course and the rest of them are just as bad....

3 years ago

PSYU1101 Macquarie

I did not enjoy this subject. I found the content really dry and uninteresting, and became super unm...

3 years ago

BIOM10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Excellent use of your time if your work-out session coincides with this class. Nothing on the profs...

3 years ago

MEDI2004 Macquarie

This was a pretty fun subject. Marina is a great Unit Convener, and the content from week to week ca...

3 years ago

BIOL1040 Uni. of Qld

A strong component of the biomedical science degree. Lots of really interesting content, however can...

3 years ago

CUC107 Charles Darwin Uni.

laughably irrelevant to engineering, but still a mandatory unit. The only good thing about this unit...

3 years ago


Excellent subject and even better lecturer.

3 years ago

PSYC1030 Uni. of Qld

Interesting course with insightful lecturers. The assessment items are easy if you commit to the cla...

3 years ago

BIOL1040 Uni. of Qld

A very content-heavy but enjoyable course!

3 years ago

OLET1634 Uni. of Sydney

Really enjoyed the subject! Concise, interesting subject. Easy to get a decent mark but also provide...

3 years ago


Stats isn't that scary, you just have to stay on top of the coursework (and get a tutor!) :)

3 years ago


Lecturer treated students like they are high school students and not as adults. The exam however was...

3 years ago

1003 PSY Griffith

Interesting and great teaching team

3 years ago


*now known as EXSC198: Physiological bases of exercise* The sem I did this was the time/ first ye...

3 years ago


I did this subject in intensive mode over summer, and would recommend for everybody else to do it li...

3 years ago


I loved the hands-on gym tutorials in this unit! The lectures covered the very basics of resistance...

3 years ago


I really enjoyed how this unit applied the combined knowledge from physiology (EXSC198), biomechanic...

3 years ago


This was a great subject, with super applicable for anybody looking at a career coaching athletes in...

3 years ago


I'll start off by saying I did this subject during covid so all my tuts were online tutorials, so I...

3 years ago

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