5,767 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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PSYC40005 Uni. of Melbourne

It is hard and challenging. It will definitely make you cry and wonder why the hell you think Honour...

2 years ago

MIIM30015 Uni. of Melbourne

A well-coordinated subject that perfectly complements its semester 1 prerequisite subject, Principle...

2 years ago

BIOM10001 Uni. of Melbourne

All you need for this subject is good teammates, if you don't have good teammates, you are end up do...

2 years ago

BIOM10001 Uni. of Melbourne

All you need for this subject is good teammates, if you don't have good teammates, you are end up do...

2 years ago

CHEM10006 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject would be so interesting if studying offline! Online is really boring and not engaging a...

2 years ago

MAST10016 Uni. of Melbourne

Overall, it’s kinda different from what you’ve known about math in high school. The content is not v...

2 years ago

PSYU2248 Macquarie

Lectures were placed well in the first half of the semester - but the last half of the semester seem...

2 years ago

PSYU2248 Macquarie

Lectures were fine until ANOVA. I understand it's a difficult concept in it's entirety but the way i...

2 years ago

MAST10011 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is pretty boring and I've struggled with it but that's more to do with my inability to...

2 years ago

PSYU3399 Macquarie

What a surprise, another 1 star review for this subject. WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN!? First things first:...

2 years ago

PSYU3399 Macquarie


2 years ago

HBS1HBB La Trobe

Terribly disorganised

2 years ago

PSYU3339 Macquarie

What an excellent unit. Bussey is an absolute pro at what she teaches, granted she can go on a coupl...

2 years ago

PSYU3332 Macquarie

This is such a meh subject. To be honest, if you are aiming for honours then you can bank some good...

2 years ago

PATH3309 The Uni. of Western Australia

overall a really enjoyable unit! wasn’t sure ag the start of semester due to horribly harsh marking...

2 years ago

CY2002 James Cook

Great subject. Lecturer is super knowledgeable. Assessment peices fit well with the subject. There i...

2 years ago

PSYU3352 Macquarie

I found this unit incredibly informative and super interesting. You learn about a wide variety of as...

2 years ago

PSYU3399 Macquarie


2 years ago

PUBH2203 The Uni. of Western Australia

Unit is great for the self driven as content is often either over explained, explained in reverse or...

2 years ago

PUBH2216 The Uni. of Western Australia

Loved the hands on approach of this unit. Is highly dependent on the big group project you are given...

2 years ago

PBH2002 Monash Uni.

Not too hard to score HDs but they want you to complete all assessments in a very specific way so ma...

2 years ago

HAS200 Wollongong

Really chill and interesting subject. Very relevant and contemporary.

2 years ago

RAD1082 Monash Uni.

Lack of communication between tutor and student, overloading with work.

2 years ago

BIOM10001 Uni. of Melbourne

wtf did we even learn in this subject...

2 years ago

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