5,770 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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Assessments are manageable but require good organisation on the student's part. Content is a bit of...

10 years ago


Poorly organised and poor communication between co-ordinator and students. Classic paper assignment...

10 years ago


Content heavy but interesting and relevant to the degree. Assessments are also manageable.

10 years ago

NMIH104 Wollongong

Material jumps around alot. The final exam content, the majority of answers are found in 103 lecture...

10 years ago

NMIH103 Wollongong

Alot of content, important to do revision or summary books each week, it is much more productive whe...

10 years ago

PSYU2247 Macquarie

The main lecturer is funny and really really great. The actual course is a hard slog. There's a lot...

10 years ago


Read the textbook, watch the tutorials. Dont worry so much about the lectures as they can make thing...

10 years ago

BIOM20001 Uni. of Melbourne

6 lectures a week requires you to keep on top of the workload! I recommend attending lectures and wo...

10 years ago

BIOM20002 Uni. of Melbourne

Subject was poorly co-ordinated in my year. However, as most of us were aspiring doctors we enjoyed...

10 years ago

BEHL4052 Uni. of South Australia

This course goes hand-in-hand with the Honours year.

10 years ago

HPY210 Deakin Uni.

An excellent subject to escape from theory heavy subjects and to apply actual learning. Extremely pr...

10 years ago

HBS110 Deakin Uni.

An interesting, straight forward subject with great content and textbook.

10 years ago

HNM111 Deakin Uni.

Very much a theory-based unit, which is understandable in first year. The more exciting units are ye...

10 years ago

7047HSV Griffith

I think every Australian should take this class! I was ignorant, naiive and stagnant on the issues f...

10 years ago

NSG2ANA La Trobe

ACA is great and is a subject that often overlaps with all other subjects such as MIN and CAD which...

10 years ago

NSG2CAD La Trobe

CAD is essential however the lecture content can sometimes be wrong or questionable and because the...

10 years ago

NSG2MIN La Trobe

MIN is a really important subject but the content lacks direction within the workshops. It can be re...

10 years ago

NSG1ENC La Trobe

ENC is a really good introduction into nursing and nursing care, and is vital in terms of learning b...

10 years ago

HBS109 Deakin Uni.

Great unit, well organised lectures. The teaching styles from the different lecturers kept it engagi...

10 years ago

NRS537 Charles Sturt Uni.

Very knowledgeable lecturer and interesting assignments.

10 years ago


LIC unorganised and rarely present for lectures. Lecturer for the Indigenous and Torres Islander peo...

10 years ago


assginments weren't very clear. No clear direction of the subject and LIC was not so approachable

10 years ago


Great introduction to Acute Care! Loved Tanya's science & pharmacology lectures

10 years ago

PHTY90107 Uni. of Melbourne

Interesting subject. Very big group projects involved.

10 years ago

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