5,770 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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CHEM1020 The Uni. of Newcastle

Excellent chemistry subject providing you know the basics to chemistry. Quite engaging in the labs a...

9 years ago

CHEM1010 The Uni. of Newcastle

Not a bad course. Definitely the kind of course that requires very active learning to truly master....

9 years ago

BIOL1040 Uni. of Qld

BIOL1040 is quite intense if you have not done any foundation courses or any other uni biology cours...

9 years ago

CHEM1222 Uni. of Qld

Apart from the stereochemistry module (quite confusing and difficult), I thought everything else was...

9 years ago

BIOM1052 Uni. of Qld

A very interesting course with excellent and funny lecturers. The course workload is quite heavy, se...

9 years ago

PHRM1020 Uni. of Qld

The Pharmaceutical Calculations segment of this course was extremely fun and easy and there were tes...

9 years ago

PHRM1011 Uni. of Qld

Very interesting and the lecturers and tutors really want you to succeed. They really prepare you fo...

9 years ago

BIOL1040 Uni. of Qld

BIOL1040 was really full-on as a first year, first semester subject. Not only was the workload heavy...

9 years ago

INDS130 Wollongong

Fantastic subject, great diversity in the subject matter and a lot of latitude for assessment questi...

9 years ago

PHS250 Charles Sturt Uni.

hard to pass practical, pay attention, be careful

9 years ago

PHS201 Charles Sturt Uni.

studying really hard for this, the subject that makes u a physio

9 years ago

NUR240 Charles Darwin Uni.

A very good and thorough unit. This review is for semester two 2014. Assessments are split up into f...

9 years ago

PSY111 Charles Sturt Uni.

Subject was great. Very interesting but the lecturer was a big let down. Great to begin with then ca...

9 years ago

LING110 Macquarie

The lecturers and tutors were helpful and supportive. The course content is rather enjoyable and the...

9 years ago

HSE208 Deakin Uni.

Your challenge is not in the content, but the format and rules of the lab reports. The 10 lab report...

9 years ago

6534 Uni. of Canberra

Interesting subject, can be hard so study hard

9 years ago

8338 Uni. of Canberra

Great subject, well organised

9 years ago

HPS201 Deakin Uni.

A daunting unit for many I found it well taught by a very reassuring unit chair. If you apply yourse...

9 years ago

BIOL1040 Uni. of Qld

Really interesting content, but the way the course is assessed is what makes it difficult. Make sure...

9 years ago

PUB104 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

This is a really relatable subject to real life.

9 years ago

SCI110 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

If you aren't bad at maths, you can get some easy marks (especially with the open book exam). The co...

9 years ago

COR109 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

It isn't the most exciting course, but it is definitely useful for step by step instructions for how...

9 years ago

LFS112 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

Its intense but Lorraine and Nicole are great teachers!

9 years ago

BIOL10002 Uni. of Melbourne

Great course! Teaches the fundamentals that you need to take upper year courses!

9 years ago

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