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$75 per hour

πŸŒπ˜Όπ™π™π™€π™‰π™π™„π™Šπ™‰!🌏 πŸ– π™ƒπ™ž π™©π™π™šπ™§π™š πŸ– – I am a 2018 Psychology Graduate (Honours I) from Sydney University....


$40 per hour

Hi there, I'm Tom: β€’ Bachelor of Psychological Science w Honours graduate with a HD average...


Stats isn't that scary, you just have to stay on top of the coursework (and get a tutor!) :)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

I felt like the concepts weren't taught properly. Tutorial was too dedicated to the assignment. It should have reinforced what was being taught in lectures

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

Keep up with the chapter reading for this subject, If you leave everything to the last minute, it will get overwhelming and you will end up stressing yourself and not learning anything. If your lecturer is as nice as mine was, they will upload weekly quizzes for you to answer before the following lecture. If you decide to do the SPAA assignment alone, you will find it difficult, build a study group and work through the assignment together! As for the exam, If you ask questions, read the book chapters, and go to every lecture then you will find it easy. GOOD LUCK and BE POSITIVE!.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

Keep up to date with your study for this subject. Your text book is your BEST friend and contains everything you need to know. I found teaching myself directly from the text book was the best way to understand this subject as the lectures can move too quickly and over complicate things. The first 20 questions of the exam were surprisingly easy. Work hard in this subject and regardless of how "good" you are at maths you can achieve a good mark.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014