5,770 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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PSYC1040 Uni. of Qld

Lectures can be very repetitive but makes it easy to learn. Just keep on top of content and it's sim...

9 years ago

LING217 Macquarie

Felicity is great and tutors are more than happy to help with any problems you're having with classw...

9 years ago

INDS150 Wollongong

Initially thought that this subject would focus in-depth on Indigenous culture, but instead focuses...

9 years ago

SHS 110 Wollongong

Great subject if you are interested in Nutrition and the human body. This subject motivated me to li...

9 years ago

PHE1IDH La Trobe

The content of the subject was actually quite interesting. As a core first year health/applied scien...

9 years ago

400884 WSU

Good overall unit. Provides the basics of nutrition and how it interacts with different types of tra...

9 years ago


A few different lecturers shook things up, but an otherwise easy course.

9 years ago


Seriously boring course, although you could get away with not going - mostly common sense.

9 years ago

HSE201 Deakin Uni.

A decent subject! The challenging bit would be the lab reports. The key is to get all of your calcul...

9 years ago

1977NRS Griffith

Great subject, pretty heavy on detail though. If you put in the time and effort, and ask questions w...

9 years ago

1973NRS Griffith

Good subject, but lecturer was sometimes a little difficult to understand (English was her second la...

9 years ago

1801NRS Griffith

Useful content, but a bit boring and repetitive if you've done any sort of communication/counselling...

9 years ago

1974NRS Griffith

Fantastic subject, really interesting. Definitely recommend going to the PASS sessions, that little...

9 years ago

BIOS1169 Uni. of Sydney

FMB was one of the most difficult subjects I've ever had to study. The amount of content in this uni...

9 years ago

BIOS1171 Uni. of Sydney

Loved this subject! It was a challenging yet rewarding unit. The lecturers were entertaining and the...

9 years ago

LING2218 Macquarie

Very difficult subject, seems as though you are expected to just 'get it' straightaway.

9 years ago

HDS101 Deakin Uni.

A great unit with lots of interesting information to learn.

9 years ago

HBS107 Deakin Uni.

Enjoyed the unit!!

9 years ago

PSY200 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast


9 years ago

BIM263 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

Bit of a boring subject but a requirement none the less

9 years ago

LFS202 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

Interesting subject, but a lot of information. Start your study early to get a good mark - and atten...

9 years ago

BIM331 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

Immunology requires a lot of study, so start early! Use all the review questions provided as they re...

9 years ago

400870 WSU

Our unit was called pop health and society but anyway, this was an OK subject. I found It is only as...

9 years ago

400871 WSU

This unit was quite boring at times but it's just one of those compulsory things you have to do! It...

9 years ago

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