2,752 Law subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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LAWS2050 Macquarie

One of the best subjects! Lecturer/tutor is so passionate and tutorials are directly related to the...

7 years ago

MLL217 Deakin Uni.

Strongly believe that the exam was marked too harshly and that the assignment was marked too lenient...

7 years ago

MLL214 Deakin Uni.

Expected this to be one of my favourite units but it actually turned out to be quite the opposite. L...

7 years ago

MLL215 Deakin Uni.

Thoroughly enjoyable subject. This was the first unit I studied online and although I was quite stre...

7 years ago

Laws1061 UNSW

An important foundational law class. It is more important to hone in skills in this class rather tha...

7 years ago

CBMS123 Macquarie

I didn't think this subject was all bad - run entirely externally, assessments were almost too easy...

7 years ago


An slog to get through, so much content, if you fall behind that's it for you

7 years ago


Difficult, but very interesting. It's easy to get stuck in the techincal, but remember to view every...

7 years ago

200011 WSU

By all means attend classes and take note of what the teacher says via the summaries of topics. Ther...

7 years ago

200007 WSU

No a bad subject. Not an "easy" subject per se but not the most difficult. You need to know how to w...

7 years ago


While the course content is interesting, the bulk of material is from weeks 1-6. Make sure you pay g...

7 years ago


This is a an amazing course. There is such a diverse range of lecturers (Desmond Manderson is incred...

7 years ago


FREN3007 was good with Dr. Gemma King taking over as course convenor and adding the use of french fi...

7 years ago

5003LAW Griffith

Very dry but delivered well & explained thoroughly. Easy to step through & assessment clear and fair

7 years ago

3022CCJ Griffith

Good hands on subject, not overly in depth. All in class discussions are the basis for assignment. P...

7 years ago

LAW2102 Monash Uni.

Well structured lectures and clear reading guide. A little dry on some of the content, but now that...

7 years ago

POLI1010 The Uni. of Newcastle

Tutorials were pointless, but otherwise interesting subject.

7 years ago

SPED1020 Macquarie

A fairly straight forward subject. Tutorials were pretty boring and a little repetitive but if you a...

7 years ago

MLL323 Deakin Uni.

Readings is directly proportional to confusion

7 years ago


Interesting topic and covers a lot of legislation.

7 years ago


Really Interesting subject. Detailed and demanding yet the content is enjoyable.

7 years ago


A well run unit that is a good introduction to the law degree. Would recommend those with general el...

7 years ago


Such an intriguing class that keeps everyone interested. The discussions among students in tutorials...

7 years ago

LAW2CTB La Trobe

Subject comes with lecture notes in word format. Literally a summary of most (not all) points in th...

7 years ago

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