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Enjoyed this unit

7 years ago


Found some bits a little tough, but found it easier after doing several other units.

7 years ago

70317 UTS

Harsh marking and complex assignment introduced at the beginning of the semester before you've had a...

7 years ago

79771 UTS

easy and practical. Just focus on the final paper.

7 years ago

200007 WSU

I didn't really enjoy this unit but overall did well in it. The content is dry but easy by the end

7 years ago

200006 WSU

A very enjoyable intro to law unit. Content is hard at first as everything is so new, but useful for...

7 years ago

200011 WSU

A very enjoyable subject with great teachers but the content is vast. You need to know your cases fo...

7 years ago

200010 WSU

A tough unit with A LOT of content. You really need to stay on top of the weekly topics to survive t...

7 years ago

LAW00059 Southern Cross Uni.

Excellent Unit. Substantial reading so commence unit early if possible.

7 years ago

200008 WSU

Loved this subject. One of the easiest core units you will do in your law degree.

7 years ago

200811 WSU

Great unit! My favourite unit thus far of my study. The workload is very manageable. It is really in...

7 years ago

SOC311 Macquarie

The second worst unit I've ever done, straight after SOC126 which is also run by Peter Rogers. He mu...

7 years ago

LAW115 Macquarie

Very chill unit with lots of support. Chance for you law students to quit being pretentious/thirsty...

7 years ago

LAWS601 Macquarie

Interesting and well organized content, but the unit co-ordinator is reluctant to engage with studen...

7 years ago

LAW459 Macquarie

As a politics major, studying a combined Arts/Law degree; some of the topics interested me such as w...

7 years ago

LAW316 Macquarie

Looking back on past reviews, this subject was favourably rated in part due to Shayne being the cove...

7 years ago

LAWS2011 Uni. of Sydney

Fed Con is an interesting course that is sometimes taught poorly (with notable exception). It can fe...

7 years ago

MLL111 Deakin Uni.

Fantastic lecturer, however painful subject. Content is not terribly hard to understand when one has...

7 years ago

MLL324 Deakin Uni.

Very hard subject conceptually, but very interesting nonetheless. The closed book exam is rather str...

7 years ago

7024 Uni. of Canberra

Teacher can't communicate

7 years ago

7022 Uni. of Canberra

Rude and arrogant teacher

7 years ago

6602 Uni. of Canberra

Susan Priest is lovely

7 years ago


As a transfer student I would have to say this is the most badly organised course I have ever done....

7 years ago

LLAW1212 Flinders

This topic is challenging but extremely enjoyable.

7 years ago

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