5,770 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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SPH310 Macquarie

Practical and engaging subject. Lecturer is amazing... So much content, but easy to unpack, as lectu...

10 years ago


Subject appears quite pointless in the initial stages but the assignments are very helpful in gettin...

10 years ago

HLSC1000 The Uni. of Newcastle

Super boring but easy to get high marks in

10 years ago

NUDI1000 The Uni. of Newcastle

Love this course. Nutrition is incredibly interesting to study

10 years ago

HUBS1403 The Uni. of Newcastle

A lot to remember but an interesting course for the most part

10 years ago


Good subject, allows students to gain practical experience in a range of settings, with a range of d...

10 years ago

CSCD3076 Uni. of Sydney

This was a very interesting subject and I learnt a lot from it. Some lectures were unorganised and a...

10 years ago

CHEM1010 The Uni. of Newcastle

Good science background and decent math skills will be helpful to this coarse

10 years ago

CSCD3075 Uni. of Sydney

Neurogenics was a huge subject with a lot of content. However, it was very relevant to our future jo...

10 years ago

EDF6531 Monash Uni.

Demanding course content but very rewarding

10 years ago

CSCD3074 Uni. of Sydney

Specialist studies was a bit all over the place. I felt that we spent too much time on Aboriginal cl...

10 years ago

BIO10662 Southern Cross Uni.

Amanda is a brilliant unit assessor and tutor, loved systemic anatomy !!!

10 years ago

COR109 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

Really quite a boring waste-of-time subject. no point going to lectures unless you never took Englis...

10 years ago

BIOL1040 Uni. of Qld

It was the death of me.

10 years ago


can not agree with the lecture's advocacy and teaching style

10 years ago

HNN112 Deakin Uni.

Enjoyed it because of my tutor! Stay ahead and never fall behind in the course work!

10 years ago

HBS107 Deakin Uni.

It was okay, the assignments weren't too bad.. the exam was easy! Can definitely get an easy HD from...

10 years ago

HNN215 Deakin Uni.

If you fail it the first time, the second time around is better! Main tip is to start the assignment...

10 years ago

HNN114 Deakin Uni.

Just need a lot of your patience because this subject was no fun at all!

10 years ago

NUR115 Charles Darwin Uni.

I studied this unit in semester 1, 2013, so the course content/structure may have changed since then...

10 years ago

SCC1226 Edith Cowan Uni.

One of the most interesting units in chemistry ECU has to offer. It covers all material in an in-dep...

10 years ago


Great introduction to first year General Chemistry. More math than you might expect but by the end o...

10 years ago

HSBH3004 Uni. of Sydney

This was my favourite health science subject, i think the lecturer structured the course fantastical...

10 years ago

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