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SHS 150 Wollongong

Subject coordinator Anne McMahon is an amazing lecturer, so attend all lectures to benefit the most...

10 years ago

psyc101 Wollongong

Make study notes for tutorials to aid revision as the exam is based heavily on tutorial content. Als...

10 years ago

400882 WSU

This subject is interesting but fairly intense. It mainly revolves around basic maths (predominantly...

10 years ago

401055 WSU

This subject is fairly easy in comparison to the other 3 subjects during this semester. Readings are...

10 years ago

400885 WSU

This subject uses some previous knowledge from past anatomy and physiology subjects. The lectures ar...

10 years ago

400884 WSU

An alright unit overall. It gives you the basics behind nutrition and different types of training (s...

10 years ago

HBS107 Deakin Uni.

I found the content a little bit bland. Good vibes from the lectures but never went to tutes. Expect...

10 years ago


HBIO120 was much easier than HBIO110. The work was things you had learnt in highschool biology.

10 years ago

PHAR1811 Uni. of Sydney

Awesome subject. It really gives you an overview of the importance of the occupation in the communit...

10 years ago


Good insight into the basics of psychology. Make sure you get the writing for psych textbooks, they...

10 years ago


Good introduction to psychology. It really depends what tutor you get as well... Try to get Chris,...

10 years ago


This subject covers a lot of boring and forgettable content. Not really worth doing unless you have...

10 years ago


It's a bit boring. You have to watch the series In Treatment, so its basically watching videos. It...

10 years ago


I really liked this subject. It was a good introduction to the basic skills and concepts surroundin...

10 years ago


Subject is a bit boring, especially the lectures and the exam is a bit hard. Make sur eyou do lots...

10 years ago


-Michelle Morris (ACU Melb lecturer/tutor) is passive aggressive. She reads straight off the lectur...

10 years ago

401007 WSU

Enjoyable with the right tutor otherwise is mindnumbing

10 years ago

401005 WSU

Hard but worth it

10 years ago

401003 WSU

useless as a native English speaker

10 years ago

MTH135 Charles Sturt Uni.

It definitely kicked my brain into gear and got me thinking. It was very useful in helping me with t...

10 years ago

1008HSV Griffith

Great informative class. Excellent tutor who made the class enjoyable and interesting.

10 years ago

SPX201 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

Great class with very interesting content. Easy marks for filling out the workbook. Definitely focus...

10 years ago

LFS251 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

Very important content but very monotonous ! Definitely stick at it, otherwise the final exam (which...

10 years ago

1977NRS Griffith

Hard subject to start at the beginning of a nursing program, but it gets you straight into it. Day...

10 years ago

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